Why does my sister hate me.........(cries)

I don't know what to tell you my sister does the same thing
on October 01, 2017

I just don't get it .Im always nice and puts up with her .I just don't know she would try to kill me. Why would she try to kill me if it is a sister thing. @Neeneepapa_Otaku
on October 01, 2017

*pat pat* I think that's just a sister thing
on October 01, 2017
on October 01, 2017

WolfieGirl12 added a new chapter to The Love Of Pokemon Trainers

Love or Not ?
Red and you finally made home."So, Y/n what do you want to eat " Red asked."I'm not hungry " you said .Ed heard your belly growl ."You sure " Red said hugging you."Yea..." you stated . Red let go end went to cook.You went to the bathroom and went to stap yourself but didn't. "Why are you doing " a voice said stopping the knfie."R-Red " you said.Red hugged you "Tell who ..?" Red whisper in your ear.You handed him the letter. Red read it and he just hold you."She...did this....correct " Red as...
Read Full Chapter
on September 14, 2017

on September 21, 2017

WolfieGirl12 added a poll to the starred list

Who would be the best partner for Erza?
on September 19, 2017

I'm very proud of myself. ............My. Lil sister beats me up so by now I'm used to it.Tonight my sister tried to hit me with a hanger so I just moved my foot and broke it.My lil siter is bulid like a TANK so is my older brother .But my brother is diffent hes both.I'm the speed person.So I used my speed against my sister and it work.The reasin I don't. Figjt with her is she has a demon and my brother has one that very powerful. I have a angel spint.So I'm. Very glad that I See More defend myself with my speed .I will aslo be learning defense fighting that for speed types
on September 19, 2017

on September 19, 2017

HAPPY ANAVISTY MAYLA????????????????????
on September 18, 2017

As of today I been on here for 9 months
I feel old
I feel old
on September 18, 2017

on September 15, 2017

This is why I cried

Dad Wrote and Sang For His Son Who Was Taken Away by Cancer - Beautiful and Emotional Performance - Play Tube
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on September 12, 2017