Sorryfor not being on as much the reasin is for one my whole state is going on strike..Two I'm deadly sick and I still go to school because I chose to.Plus, I have school...I will try to be on tomorrow becaue no school cause of the strike.

What do you mean by ' Oh' @Hyperthehedgehog
on February 23, 2018

on February 22, 2018
on February 22, 2018

I just love how my own brother is not repying and Im very worried about.Plus , not evn my own BF is repying to me :((:((
on January 20, 2018

Heres a link to the poll https://www.qfeast.com/poll/NrbdUK/What-Plot-Should-I-do-For-Germany
on January 09, 2018

Dear followers please vote on what plot I should do for my next one shot
on January 09, 2018

Since nobody voted I ask my family witch one and said Raoamo.So Raoamo is next then MAYBE you guys will tell me which one.Anyways peace
on December 24, 2017

on December 24, 2017

Hello and I have three charthers for Hetlaia One Shots and I need help of witch charther to do so Im going to upload the three.Then the person with the most comments will be next so....
on December 23, 2017

Thanks to people saying nice reasons for not killing my self I will not hurt or kill myself.If this makes you happ y then there.
on December 22, 2017