The best Schnee of all
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Comments (16)
Repost whiners.
on February 03, 2016

Honestly, I AM a grammar Nazi... But I just hide it unless it's EXTREMELY major...
So the other one...
I'm sorry I'm a grammar Nazi, but I'm a writer, and I do have relatives who wrote and published a book, so it's just natural...
So the other one...
I'm sorry I'm a grammar Nazi, but I'm a writer, and I do have relatives who wrote and published a book, so it's just natural...

I write as well, but honestly, grammar can get me a little annoyed if it's wrong, just not at the Grammar Nazi level.
on January 09, 2016
on January 09, 2016

Grammar Nazis. They are annoying to me. If you're going to correct someone, do it in school. That's what school is for. LEARNING. CORRECTING. UNDERSTANDING. on the internet it's all about socializing, chilling out and being out of the ordinary. If you hate how I type, f*ck off. Simple as that.
on January 09, 2016

Are Repost Whiners the ones that complain about photos "spamming" them by going around in their news feeds?


I think that "repost whiners" and people who constantly complain about spam are much more annoying. Grammar "nazis" don't bother me, possibly partially because I am one.
I think that "repost whiners" and people who constantly complain about spam are much more annoying. Grammar "nazis" don't bother me, possibly partially because I am one.
on January 09, 2016
on January 09, 2016
on January 09, 2016

What's a Repost Whiner?
And before anyone asks- yes, I am a grammar Nazi.
And before anyone asks- yes, I am a grammar Nazi.

Someone who don't like what is reposted and they go on almost every repost to tell that person to stop reposting.
on January 09, 2016
on January 09, 2016