on February 24, 2020

Walter.fuse.fitzroy asked a question

What is the meaning of life? (7) I honestly couldn't care less about stuff IRL so I jus...
on February 16, 2020

Hey guys I made a song
My life sucks
It's not worth a buck
But nobody gives a f*ck
People think I'm happy
The real me is trying to trap me
There's not much to add See More
But just a tad
I'm never glad
And I'll won't miss the friends I never had
So how did you like my song
(Yes I hate my life,I just took a test and it says I am highly depressed
My life sucks
It's not worth a buck
But nobody gives a f*ck
People think I'm happy
The real me is trying to trap me
There's not much to add See More
But just a tad
I'm never glad
And I'll won't miss the friends I never had
So how did you like my song
(Yes I hate my life,I just took a test and it says I am highly depressed
on January 22, 2020

Like or reply to this comment if you like anime
on December 06, 2019

Hey guys I luv anime do you?
on December 06, 2019