hey getupfunka can you submit a covergirl entry thanks
on June 15, 2013

your so cool
on June 15, 2013

VeronicaCuteS added a new chapter to Behind The Curtains
Killing Is A Newborn Skill
Sure I'm a monster. And yes, something. Someone turned me into a monster. But that doesn't mean...Okay I have some weird body shapes. One my hair is partly invested in snakes the back part. What I was thinking was my mom was a descendent from Medusa. And I have lizardy legs so I thought my dad had been working at Geico. But other than that I cant shop. Very rude. Give me some loyalty people. I might be a monster but I still want freedom too. I still want to live like a human. What I'm suppose...
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on June 15, 2013

on June 15, 2013

on June 15, 2013

VeronicaCuteS added a new chapter to Whatever Comes And Goes
Tuesday Hocus Pocus
Tuesday wasn't any better. For once I was stuck in a pot of boiling trucks. It's a saying Keraa made up. It means your stuck and don't got nowhere to go. It's pretty weird if you ask me..but I use it now because it feels that way. I can't even sleep today and I STILL have homework. Blah! But I'm all good. NOT! Riley actually can't help me until Thursday because today and tomorrow her and her family are going to Argentina to visit their cousins. Once in for all I declare this Tuesday a Hocus P...
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on June 15, 2013

VeronicaCuteS asked a question

What Are You Watching Now? Im watching Victorious in my room. What are you watching?
on June 15, 2013

your online!!thank goodness lets chat

unfortaneluy i cant send conversations sry anyhow i gotta go beat my nany's butt on video games
on June 14, 2013
on June 14, 2013

VeronicaCuteS added a new chapter to Whatever Comes And Goes
You Get French Girl I Get Weeks of Potions
"Ha!" he laughed. "False love. Your hilarious. She's totally hot!! How do you think I got a "poster" of Genaya if I don't LOVE her" he thought this was funny. As if this wouldn't create a false love between about anybody. Well, about anybody at our school. "This is a big mistake. You should be dating Riley. Not calling girls smokin or hot. Espically not Genaya" I said, winking at Riley. But by the frown on her statue structured face I knew that I wasn't trying hard enough. "OK, ok. It might s...
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on June 14, 2013

so what are you doing now?
on June 14, 2013

To become a covergirl you must request membership and become a member. To do so click on members. There will be a link. Send a short description of why you'd like to become a member and if it's good I will approve it, sometimes with the abilaity to grant approvement for other requests. Then watch out for Top News Magazine and you might become CoverGirl.

ive granted qwertalove membership but she will not be able to grant permission for other requests thanks for joining. good luck on winning covergirl
on June 14, 2013
on June 14, 2013

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on June 14, 2013

VeronicaCuteS added a new chapter to Whatever Comes And Goes
Ryan Makes Out With The Baboon Monkey
I was soo mad that Monday I couldn't possibly do anything but snore during all of class. When the Lunchbell finnally rang I rushed right to our regular table where me and Riley always sat. She wasn't there. I looked around the LunchRoom. Wasn't there. I texted her: I DON"T SEE U. ARE YOU SICK? and I didn't get a reply until 5 minutes later. NO. COME TO MY HOUSE. TALK SOME SENSE INTO RYAN. I frowned. Ryan? Poor Riley. :( She hadn't been able to notice how hard things were falling. I couldn't j...
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on June 14, 2013