don’t press read more
- See More
They devil’s girlfriend has a black bikini huuuuuge jiggly bobs, big ?, and black and red bat wings.
Please no
- See More
They devil’s girlfriend has a black bikini huuuuuge jiggly bobs, big ?, and black and red bat wings.
Please no

@FallingApart We have a rebel
on February 11, 2018
/- Dammit....why the f*ck did I press read more....
on February 11, 2018
on February 11, 2018
~Have 20 Romantic RP Starters!~
/- I'll be using Miles for these!
1) Your muse being caught staring at mine
2) Your muse picks mine up and carries them
3) Your muse catches mine from falling
4) Your muse stroking my muse's face
5) Your muse asks mine a personal question See More
6) Your muse tracing a scare/mark on my muse
7) Your muse is listing to my muse's heartbeat
8) Our muses are caught in a heavy rain
9) Our muses go out for a nighttime walk
10) Our muses are picking out a movie to watch.
11) My muse accidentally hurts your muse
12) My muse is failing miserably at using cheesy pick-up lines on your muse
13) Our muses are playing in the snow together
14) My muse write your muse a cheesy love song
15) Our muses hangout together on valentines day
16) You muse comforts my muse on their bad day
17) Our muses go shopping
18) My muse makes a flower crown for your muse
19) Our muses help a baby animal
20) Your muse saves mine from bullies
/- I'll be using Miles for these!
1) Your muse being caught staring at mine
2) Your muse picks mine up and carries them
3) Your muse catches mine from falling
4) Your muse stroking my muse's face
5) Your muse asks mine a personal question See More
6) Your muse tracing a scare/mark on my muse
7) Your muse is listing to my muse's heartbeat
8) Our muses are caught in a heavy rain
9) Our muses go out for a nighttime walk
10) Our muses are picking out a movie to watch.
11) My muse accidentally hurts your muse
12) My muse is failing miserably at using cheesy pick-up lines on your muse
13) Our muses are playing in the snow together
14) My muse write your muse a cheesy love song
15) Our muses hangout together on valentines day
16) You muse comforts my muse on their bad day
17) Our muses go shopping
18) My muse makes a flower crown for your muse
19) Our muses help a baby animal
20) Your muse saves mine from bullies
on February 11, 2018
VanillaxHeart uploaded a photo

on February 10, 2018
7+ likes for my Abcs:
/- For Miles
Miles let out a nervous chuckle, 'Woo boi'
? (A)re You Single :
? (B )oy Bestfriend:
? (C)rushing On Someone ? :
? (D)rink You Had Last: See More
? (E)asiest Person To Talk To :
❤ (F)avorite Person :
? (G)irl best friend :
? (H)ome Town :
? (I)n Love With :
? (J)ealous Of :
? (K)nown As :
? (L)ongest Friendship :
? (M)iddle Name :
? (P)erson That Gives Good Advice :
❓ (Q)uestion's I'm Always Ask :
? (R)eason To Smile :
? (S)ong You Last Listened To :
? (T)ime You Woke Up :
? (U)gliest Person On Facebook :
? (V)iolent Memorie:
? (W)orst Habit:
? (X)You Never Stopped loving :
? (Y)our Last Hug :
? (Z)odiac Sign:
/- For Miles
Miles let out a nervous chuckle, 'Woo boi'
? (A)re You Single :
? (B )oy Bestfriend:
? (C)rushing On Someone ? :
? (D)rink You Had Last: See More
? (E)asiest Person To Talk To :
❤ (F)avorite Person :
? (G)irl best friend :
? (H)ome Town :
? (I)n Love With :
? (J)ealous Of :
? (K)nown As :
? (L)ongest Friendship :
? (M)iddle Name :
? (P)erson That Gives Good Advice :
❓ (Q)uestion's I'm Always Ask :
? (R)eason To Smile :
? (S)ong You Last Listened To :
? (T)ime You Woke Up :
? (U)gliest Person On Facebook :
? (V)iolent Memorie:
? (W)orst Habit:
? (X)You Never Stopped loving :
? (Y)our Last Hug :
? (Z)odiac Sign:
on February 09, 2018
~!*Pins and licks muses neck and slightly nips it* Oh muse our babies will be amazing*Grinds against muse*~
Being incapable of self defense Miles couldn't really do anything. He let out a soft whimper and tightly closed his eyes, wishing he were at home now under his covers and sleeping the day away.
Being incapable of self defense Miles couldn't really do anything. He let out a soft whimper and tightly closed his eyes, wishing he were at home now under his covers and sleeping the day away.
on February 09, 2018
on February 06, 2018
~Muse!!1! *is 20,000 years old but looks 16, has shiny rainbow hair, rainbow bat wings, big boobs, literally had no flaws* Why are u with ur luvr?? There soooo not perfect like meee xpp 1!1!! Y don’t u dump them and b with mee XX333!!1!111!1!1!~
"ENGLISH MOTHERF¡CKER DO YOU SPEAK IT!?!?!?" Shi yelled, flipping off the Anon.
"Not intrested." Martial sighed, filing his nails.
"Uhhh. No thank you....." Taiyō groaned
"ENGLISH MOTHERF¡CKER DO YOU SPEAK IT!?!?!?" Shi yelled, flipping off the Anon.
"Not intrested." Martial sighed, filing his nails.
"Uhhh. No thank you....." Taiyō groaned
on January 27, 2018
VanillaxHeart uploaded a photo

on January 21, 2018
Minx: *bouncing on a branch*
Ink: *recording* *singing* hongignagna hyingnignahna dinginginana squsah banana hongi
*branch snaps*
Minx: *screams and falls*
*camera stops recording cutting off Minx's scream*
Ink: *recording* *singing* hongignagna hyingnignahna dinginginana squsah banana hongi
*branch snaps*
Minx: *screams and falls*
*camera stops recording cutting off Minx's scream*
on January 07, 2018

I present to you this [$(1m)$]
on January 02, 2018
on January 02, 2018
on December 31, 2017
/-Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays!!
/- That's alright. Some people on here just seem so close even though they are counties away...
on December 25, 2017
on December 25, 2017
on December 25, 2017
Me when people reply twice to a RP: Awe they care about this RP!
Me when I want to reply twice to a RP: Don't do it! You'll sound too clingy! Don't you do it! DON'T YOU FÛCKING DO IT!
Me when I want to reply twice to a RP: Don't do it! You'll sound too clingy! Don't you do it! DON'T YOU FÛCKING DO IT!
on December 24, 2017
VanillaxHeart uploaded a photo

on December 24, 2017
Me: *writing a serious story*
My brain: Hey remember that funny thing that happened in 3rd grade?
Me: *slams fist on keyboard* GOD DAMMIT!!!
My brain: Hey remember that funny thing that happened in 3rd grade?
Me: *slams fist on keyboard* GOD DAMMIT!!!
on December 24, 2017
VanillaxHeart added a photo to the starred list

on December 23, 2017
1) Maka chuckled softly as he watched his snake curl around one of your fingers, "He likes you!"
2) Cole held out a cup of hot chocolate to you, "Here, I hope this warms you up. It's awfully cold outside..."
3) Axel smiled shyly, "Thanks...."
4) Car giggled, "Who's there?"
5) "SNOWBALL FIGHT!" Masks yelled, throwing a snowball at you.
6) "Tea?" Lucky asked, holding a cup of tea out to you.
1) Maka chuckled softly as he watched his snake curl around one of your fingers, "He likes you!"
2) Cole held out a cup of hot chocolate to you, "Here, I hope this warms you up. It's awfully cold outside..."
3) Axel smiled shyly, "Thanks...."
4) Car giggled, "Who's there?"
5) "SNOWBALL FIGHT!" Masks yelled, throwing a snowball at you.
6) "Tea?" Lucky asked, holding a cup of tea out to you.
on December 23, 2017
7+ likes for my Abcs:
/- For Cole
/- Seven likes! COLE! COME DO THIS!
? (A)re You Single : "Hmmm.....Well....My bio says yes....But Dad, uses me in a bunch of RPs that I end up getting on a boyfriend in...sooo" he shrugged....
? (B )oy Best friend: "Nathen Good"
? (C)rushing On Someone ? : "Yeah, really hard too..."
? (D)rink You Had Last: "I drinking some hot chocolate right now..." See More
? (E)asiest Person To Talk To : "My brother....."
❤ (F)avorite Person : "James."
? (G)irl best friend : "Tristan"
? (H)ome Town : "Fallwoods"
? (I)n Love With : Cole looked around blushing, and pulled his hood over his face.
? (J)ealous Of : "People with two parents that are together and alive"
? (K)nown As : "A human"
? (L)ongest Friendship : "My longest friendship is with my brother."
? (M)iddle Name : "Dreamweaver..."
? (P)erson That Gives Good Advice : "Beth..."
❓ (Q)uestion's I'm Always Ask : " I quote 'Are you a like, a girl or dude, like seriously'" Cole rolled his eyes, mocking a stereotypical popular girls voice.
? (R)eason To Smile : "This snake..." Cole held up his pet snake.
? (S)ong You Last Listened To : "Senbonzakura the violin cover..."
? (T)ime You Woke Up : "3 AM!"
? (U)gliest Person On Facebook : "Hah me!"
? (V)iolent Memorie : "I kinda attacked my math teacher when I was seventh grade....I was having a melt down...."
? (W)orst Habit: "I still feel the need to take a razor to my skin....."
? (X)You Never Stopped loving : "THISSSSSS SSSSSSNAKE!" Cole held his pet snake in the air
? (Y)our Last Hug : "When I got home form work...it was a my brother."
? (Z)odiac Sign: "♈︎...Aries..."
/- For Cole
/- Seven likes! COLE! COME DO THIS!
? (A)re You Single : "Hmmm.....Well....My bio says yes....But Dad, uses me in a bunch of RPs that I end up getting on a boyfriend in...sooo" he shrugged....
? (B )oy Best friend: "Nathen Good"
? (C)rushing On Someone ? : "Yeah, really hard too..."
? (D)rink You Had Last: "I drinking some hot chocolate right now..." See More
? (E)asiest Person To Talk To : "My brother....."
❤ (F)avorite Person : "James."
? (G)irl best friend : "Tristan"
? (H)ome Town : "Fallwoods"
? (I)n Love With : Cole looked around blushing, and pulled his hood over his face.
? (J)ealous Of : "People with two parents that are together and alive"
? (K)nown As : "A human"
? (L)ongest Friendship : "My longest friendship is with my brother."
? (M)iddle Name : "Dreamweaver..."
? (P)erson That Gives Good Advice : "Beth..."
❓ (Q)uestion's I'm Always Ask : " I quote 'Are you a like, a girl or dude, like seriously'" Cole rolled his eyes, mocking a stereotypical popular girls voice.
? (R)eason To Smile : "This snake..." Cole held up his pet snake.
? (S)ong You Last Listened To : "Senbonzakura the violin cover..."
? (T)ime You Woke Up : "3 AM!"
? (U)gliest Person On Facebook : "Hah me!"
? (V)iolent Memorie : "I kinda attacked my math teacher when I was seventh grade....I was having a melt down...."
? (W)orst Habit: "I still feel the need to take a razor to my skin....."
? (X)You Never Stopped loving : "THISSSSSS SSSSSSNAKE!" Cole held his pet snake in the air
? (Y)our Last Hug : "When I got home form work...it was a my brother."
? (Z)odiac Sign: "♈︎...Aries..."
on December 22, 2017