I wanna dye my hair either ginger, red, and gray?- or should I go with highlights orrrr sunset or faded OR blonde orrr strawberry blonde or maybe- or just don’t dye or bleach-
on January 20, 2022

Gm god has let me live another day so I’m going to make it everyone’s problem
on January 18, 2022

Josh and or Zeke will not be on tomorrow because there not aloud to use the computers-
on January 17, 2022

on January 16, 2022

Josh and Zeke will be out due to Wi-Fi problems
on December 29, 2021

Like this post if your a pisces ??
on December 27, 2021

Ok so Josh’s Wi-Fi thingy when out so he won’t be on-
on December 20, 2021

Ok then who here is part of the lgbt community or is supporting it?
on December 14, 2021