Seemingly a very fearsome creature, Keruba guards you because or your charming and clever behavior. He seems like a big mean tough guy, but on the inside, he's extremely playful and sometimes a bit sneaky. He doesn't really enjoy the idea of revenge unless it involves pranks, and then he's all in. He uses tricks, invisibility and charm-work to confuse and render his enemies helpless, but he refuses to kill. Keruba is all around a great friend to have around, but you might still need to watch your back; you never know who he'll pull his next prank on.
You are a Poochyena! (Dark Type) You are very stubborn and only do things when you know what and why you are doing it, you do not follow blindly. You do not back down even when you should and you always want to prove yourself. You also may pay close attention to detail and may space out in your mind.
Your natural element is water. You can control anything with water or ice. IT is your natural talent and it just comes to you! It means you have a kind caring nature but you have a strong temper when something gets you really upset. (Your natural opposite is fire) you draw your power from the full moon. It also identifie that you are a go with the flow kind of person.
Wow, you are second in command and respected by the other pack members. If something was to happen to the Alpha, you would step in and become the new alpha.
You are the Beta wolf! you love to lead but will willingly let someone else take over if you have to. But even then you like to at least be second in command. You are considered the worry-wart among your friends because you always want to make sure all of your friends and family are fine. In the pack you are what some would call the guardian, because you watch the pups more often than their mothers do!
You are disliked by most authority figures because you have the power to outrun them. Most people want you killed, so you have to hide your personality and not show them who you really are.
You are arctic wolf, You are only afraid of a few things, you arent afraid to take a risk as long as its too much of a risk to ask for. You all stay in packs for everything for all tasks. You come across a hunter, he has a gun so you stop, and stay where you are, and signal your pack mates from above or behind to take him down. In the situation when your pack mate is down when they are shot, you know what to do, you call out a howl for a rescue team. You all trust in your pack and i hope you trust your journey is your faith.