Not me doing cosplayer poses while listening to animation meme songs and drawing?
on December 30, 2020

Listening to old 2016 music is fun, its when I started going through my animation meme phase, and I'm still in it lol
on December 30, 2020

I updated my art style a bit so now my arts a bit different lol
on December 30, 2020

A song a relate to a lot is 'little game' by 'benny"'

The lyrics "put on false confidence, just to feel alive" is the most relatable for me
on December 30, 2020
on December 30, 2020

I swear to god if my mom complains about my weight one more time
Her weight is legit way worse than mine. She thinks that her having diabetes is an excuse for being wayy overweight and shaming me. This is Bullsh×t.
Her weight is legit way worse than mine. She thinks that her having diabetes is an excuse for being wayy overweight and shaming me. This is Bullsh×t.
on December 30, 2020

Aaand my mood has changed- idk why But one of my tiktok videos got really popular and now I'm happy cause I got a bunch of new followers
on December 30, 2020

Good everyone, I'm a Little pissed off on why I woke up to TWENTY FIVE notifications of two people arguing on how someone was talking on my k×nky page last night about fantasizing about chris Afton, and this person attatcked someone on the page about how he's a minor and everything even though the person who was talking about it, is also a F×CKING MINOR. This is bullsh×t people. I was hoping to have a good morning. I guess not.

@Your.local.idiot its fine, just upset. Idk how to block people here but I would block the person who did that.
on December 30, 2020
on December 30, 2020

Gn everyone, gonna try to sleep
on December 30, 2020

on December 30, 2020

Important tik tok video- https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMJt2qB5p/
For the people who don't have tik tok, its me ranting..its this-
"I hate having separation anxiety, being clingy, And touch starved. I feel like crying right now. My mom has had work the past few days And the only person who's given me physical comfort in the past three[its now 5, this videos a bit old] days is my brother. The only comfort I got the past few days was a couple small hugs from My brother, and he can't even See More give me a proper hug because he has a pinched nerve in his back that hurts him so much that he has to walk with a cane around the house. Whenever my online friends say gn I almost cry..just..No one ever stays up at night to comfort me when I'm sad..Or to just make sure I sleep..No one ever asks me, " hey, did you eat yet today?" Or, "hey, did you drink anything yet today?"
Just..please..I need something like that...at least once?..I don't wanna seem greedy for wanting so much attention.. "
For the people who don't have tik tok, its me ranting..its this-
"I hate having separation anxiety, being clingy, And touch starved. I feel like crying right now. My mom has had work the past few days And the only person who's given me physical comfort in the past three[its now 5, this videos a bit old] days is my brother. The only comfort I got the past few days was a couple small hugs from My brother, and he can't even See More give me a proper hug because he has a pinched nerve in his back that hurts him so much that he has to walk with a cane around the house. Whenever my online friends say gn I almost cry..just..No one ever stays up at night to comfort me when I'm sad..Or to just make sure I sleep..No one ever asks me, " hey, did you eat yet today?" Or, "hey, did you drink anything yet today?"
Just..please..I need something like that...at least once?..I don't wanna seem greedy for wanting so much attention.. "

hi~dms don't work (@cranberryobsessedrichie) on TikTok
hi~dms don't work (@cranberryobsessedrichie) has created a short video on TikTok with music Distance Disturbs Me. | I hate having separation anxiety, being clingy, and touch starved.
I feel like crying right now.
my mom has had work the past few days and the only person who's given me physical comfort in the past three days is my brother. the only comfort I got today was two small hugs from my brother, and he can't even hug me properly because he has a pinched nerve in his back that hurts him really bad that he has to walk with a cane around the house.
whenever my online friends say gn I almost cry..just..no one ever has ever stayed up at night to comfort me..or to just make sure I sleep..no one ever asks me, "hey, did you eat today?" or, "hey, have you dra

on December 30, 2020
on December 30, 2020

@your.Local.idiot do my newest quiz and tell me what you got:3
on December 30, 2020

created a

Could you date me/be my boyfriend/girlfriend/lover?
on December 30, 2020

Ima make a quiz in a bit-
on December 30, 2020

My mom fell asleep in my room so I'm stuck in the living room so I won't be sleeping tonight ;-;
on December 30, 2020

https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMJtY2jnd/ here's my attempt at a thirst trap- @~@ @your.local.idiot

Attempted a thirst trap-
hi~dms don't work (@cranberryobsessedrichie) has created a short video on TikTok with music Rebels. | Attempted a thirst trap-
on December 30, 2020

I'm surprised no one has a crush on me
If someone responds to this post,
Ill post a link to a thirst trap I'll do on tiktok
If someone responds to this post,
Ill post a link to a thirst trap I'll do on tiktok

@Your.local.idiot oof, ima try to look more masculine and see how it looks cause I don't wanna put a skirt on rn-
on December 30, 2020

@Your.local.idiot wait, do I look better when I'm more feminine or masculine?
on December 30, 2020
on December 30, 2020

I feel forgotten.
Nobody notices me.
Nobody notices me.

@Your.local.idiot mkay ;-; my tiktok is so unpopular that I've never been on fyp once-
on December 30, 2020

on December 30, 2020
on December 30, 2020