Yoo i sent u something

on May 03, 2023
on April 29, 2023

Amber alert? Bitch who the Fucck is amber and why is she alerted?
on April 23, 2023

on April 22, 2023

My presentation:
Why my dementia has not affected me
Why my dementia has not affected me
Why my dementia has not affected me
Why my dementia has not affected me
Why my dementia has not affected me
Why my dementia has not affected me
Why my dementia has not affected me
Why my dementia has not affected me
Why my dementia has not affected me
Why my dementia has not affected me

@The_Chez_Man Why w@ttpad of me x Y/N hasn't affected me:
i simply die inside. they are so bad
i simply die inside. they are so bad
on December 07, 2023
on April 22, 2023

What do you mean "what's upstairs?"
The stairs can't talk
The stairs can't talk
on April 22, 2023

on April 22, 2023

Walls have eyes. Doors have ears. Beware the rain. Beware the snow. Beware the man you think you know.
on April 21, 2023

so im still suspended and yesterday we went to the school district office and they said i was guilty of threating the schoollll. they said ill be back in school in 45 days tops. BrUh
on April 18, 2023

on April 17, 2023

Ok so what I did is: I was talking to 2 friends of mine named roger and parker. I randomly asked what they would do if someone in the school had a gun. I then asked them what they would do if I had a gun. Then these girls randomly interrupted our conversation and started overreacting thinking that i said "I have a gun" so I told them I didn't have anything on me but the principal came down anyway, and she went through ALL of my stuff. EVEN MY PERSONAL PRIVATE SKETCHBOOK. She even See More kept said sketchbook. Yknow, the sketchbook with a shit ton of furry drawings. And she flipped throug. Every. Single. Page. That was embarrassing enough. OBVIOUSLY I had no weapons on me but that didn't stop them from getting the cops involved, suspending me, and a shit ton of other stuff. I told them multiple times that it was all hypothetical. But some people in this world (aka most) have too weak of a mind to admit that shit happens dude. Get over it. So yeah. That's all.
on April 11, 2023

Im suspended from school for 5 days and possibly for the rest of the year and j have to go to a superintendent meeting/ family court thingy.
on April 11, 2023

on April 08, 2023

I just got called breedable on the internet ?
on April 08, 2023

What in the god damn is a xeno gender
on April 08, 2023

The_Chez_Man uploaded a photo
Me at 1:30 in the morning defending the house from the shadow demons

on April 07, 2023