My mom said that I should get some Vans because they're popular or whatever so I shrugged and went with it. So, she asked me if there was a certain color or something I wanted. I subtly said I liked the rainbow ones, and she told me that it gives off a certain vibe, and that I'd be stuck with the reputation of being that way. I nodded, and said I didn't care. She then said that reputation will stick with me and I'd have a higher chance of being bullied because of it. I really See More wanted to come out right then and there but I wasn't ready to have a long and awkward conversation of my parents thinking I'm looking up weird stuff online and get banned from internet. However, I don't really care what color my shoes are, as long as they aren't hot pink.
on August 04, 2021

So there's a short clip someone recorded of Jinho going into the gate to start his service, but every time I watch it, it makes me even more proud of him. Because, he went in with a big smile like it was nothing. VS. Me over here, I'd never ever work in the Military unless I absolutely had to. I'm perfectly happy and content being lazy on my couch listening to weird songs while writing mainly fanfictions.
on August 03, 2021

TheUnofficalKpopRat091 uploaded a photo
The quality is crap but I'm still proud of their height difference.

on August 03, 2021

TheUnofficalKpopRat091 asked a question

What are some of your favorite songs? Do you have a song that you just can't get enough...
on August 03, 2021

I tried to make a Jinho countdown but I realized I'd forget about it and it would end up like the Minseok and Kyungsoo one so I guess as a 'countdown' I'll try to post something everyday but no promises.
on August 03, 2021

It's easier to believe in certain things than it is to face the truth of it.
on August 02, 2021

Random comment but like yeah sometimes things happen in my life and I think of them as normal then later on realize it's actually not normal for your sister to have a sleep over with a friend end with her friend chasing your brother around the kitchen trying to bite his arms to see if they taste like fruit loops.
on August 01, 2021

This certain person made a poll asking if you've eaten a Lego or not, and for some reason it took me back to the time that I got this special Easter gum that was shaped to look like grass, and was fruit flavored. (To be honest I have no clue to this day what fruit it was supposed to taste like.) Anyways, I was obsessed with this gum, but my strange self started wondering what real grass would taste like. I will never forget my sister's face when she saw me outside in the backyard See More eating grass.
on August 01, 2021

on July 31, 2021

I really wonder about Heechul...
He broke up with Momo because of video games?
He broke up with Momo because of video games?
on July 29, 2021

When I say something out loud for no reason, I wonder why my dad thinks I'm talking to him. Excuse me, I'm talking to the wall. You don't have to be rude, as I AM NOT TALKING TO YOU.

on July 25, 2021
on July 25, 2021

Every single time I get yelled at for something stupid it adds pressure. Can't wait for the day that pressure comes out
on July 24, 2021

I was trying to make rice, but my sister took over and didn't let me do it my way (which was exactly what it said on the package), and we ended up burning it.
on July 21, 2021

Eeeeeeeeeeeehehe my sister thinks I'm crazy for saying that I love Shota's eyes and yet find them creepy. You see, this member of P1Harmony... His eyes are dead black, and yet, they're beautiful.
on July 20, 2021

I typed in a cursed phone number so I didn't actually have to sign up but I could still get the reward in my game, and it worked. I'm no longer ok.
on July 18, 2021

I really don't know why I'm sharing this, but whatever.
One time a while ago when I was at school, this guy who is as skinny as a stick called me fat, but as I think about it now, my genetics have me short, a tiny bit bigger, and I also stop growing sooner than others. All in all, I'm not fat, I just have different genetics than a human stick. I guess for whoever decides to read this, if someone ever calls you fat, you should tell them the truth. "It's called genetics. "
One time a while ago when I was at school, this guy who is as skinny as a stick called me fat, but as I think about it now, my genetics have me short, a tiny bit bigger, and I also stop growing sooner than others. All in all, I'm not fat, I just have different genetics than a human stick. I guess for whoever decides to read this, if someone ever calls you fat, you should tell them the truth. "It's called genetics. "
on July 14, 2021

I don't think you're still here, but if you are, ??Happy Birthday Hyun??
on July 14, 2021

I keep over sleeping until around 12-2 and my mom keeps yelling at me to get my *curse* *curse* *curse* *curse* self up no later than 11.
I wanna sleep all dayyyyyy~
I wanna sleep all dayyyyyy~
on July 13, 2021