This genius person on YouTube said that they blasted Hey Tayo at midnight so it was the first song them and their neighbors heard in 2022... So, it's the first song I'm listening to as well ? I also decided to make my tradition for New Years. Last year my mom ruined the meatballs I made with some weird sauce, so I decided to eat meatballs as my first meal of the year, but since I couldn't find them, I ate chicken nuggets and drank eggnog.
on January 01, 2022

My mom and dad tried to have a conversation about one of their friends dying and I was in the kitchen talking to my brother about the rule we had to pick back up of writing our names on leftovers. He literally yelled over my parents "YOU AREN'T A RAT!!!!" And since he was being so loud of course my mom told him to be quiet, then he shouted, "I'M TRYING TO FIX ___________ SELF ESTEEM!!! IT'S TERRIBLE!!!!!" I honestly kind of appreciate him for stuff like this, but I am a rat. I See More like the animal just as much as I like frogs and ducks, but I thought it was even funnier to make a username out of it, and it stayed with me. So sorry if you don't like it, brother.
on December 31, 2021

So, my mom tried to tell me to return the belt, then realized I was already wearing it and the tags were off. She and my dad then proceeded to tell me how I "don't want to be associated with something that I'm not"... I don't think I'm ever officially going to come out to them, since apparently according to my mom " Bi people don't exist ". Still feeling awesome about the belt and proud of myself for being smart enough to take off the tags before I went to them.
on December 30, 2021

I just got my first pride belt because my parents let me and my sister buy whatever we want at the mall by ourselves and I'm kinda scared when and if they find out...
on December 29, 2021

Merry Snowman Day ☃️

Or Merry It's Freaking Hot Where I Live And I Want To Move Day.
(Christmas/Xmas seems like such a boring title now.)
(Christmas/Xmas seems like such a boring title now.)
on December 25, 2021
on December 25, 2021

TheUnofficalKpopRat091 uploaded a video
I made this as a lock screen... I think it looks cool.
on December 25, 2021

Speaking of Xion from Oneus, I had an online friend (not on here) who went by the name Xion. They were one of the biggest BTS fans I've ever met, and I loved them honestly so much... I haven't talked to them in a while, but I hope they're doing much better now.
on December 25, 2021

I was looking for new writing apps with a certain feature and I stumbled across a picture book maker...
I honestly love it so far.
I honestly love it so far.
on December 20, 2021

Hopefully my belt testing for Tae Kwon Do actually goes well later today...
There was a money issue (they lost the check) and I'm not feeling too good that it's actually been taken care of.
So, I'm going to do what I always do. Show up like an idiot ??
There was a money issue (they lost the check) and I'm not feeling too good that it's actually been taken care of.
So, I'm going to do what I always do. Show up like an idiot ??
on December 17, 2021

So, this kid started cutting my hair yesterday in class, and since there was a sub, I couldn't do much. I talked to my mom and brother about it, and they both told me that I need to toughen up to stupid people. I miss being virtual.
on December 16, 2021

All day I tell myself there's two gorgeous things waiting for me at home so I can get through the day.
My bed and food.
My bed and food.
on December 14, 2021

I honestly don't want to try hard to impress people anymore. I couldn't tell you the last time I acted like my real self at school or out in public. It's now running into my home time as well because my brother who's way older than me is back.
on December 14, 2021

I hate how when I explain something to my dad that's bothering me, he lists off everything I'm doing wrong, and how the other people in the problem are doing nothing wrong. If someone's treating me like shit, how's that my fault?
on December 11, 2021

I guess I'll try to be here more frequently.
Today has been rushy so far.
Today has been rushy so far.
on December 10, 2021

My dad started yelling at me but my earbuds were in, and I didn't bother to take them out. I just said okay and he thought I could hear him, so, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
on December 10, 2021

Also, I got to hang at an arcade with my friend, and I won an Elmo stuffed animal from hitting a jackpot on a ticket game. Honestly, I'm really proud of him.
on November 27, 2021

I attempted to curl my sister's hair. I got to say, I did absolutely terrible, but she was happy with the results.
on November 27, 2021