TheUnofficalKpopRat091 subscribed to page

No MOrE SChOOL HELP EnD THE mENTAL ABUSE plz save the children of today
on October 19, 2020

wElL oK hOw Am I sUpPoSeD tO kNoW wHaT tHe AcTuAl HeCk PrOpOrTiOnS aRe

@AishiAyano pAiN
on October 19, 2020

You got proportions boi i gotta striaght up LoNg DiViDe ThEm BiShEs tO fInD uNiT rAtEs oR sUm sHiZ
on October 19, 2020

@LeikoMidoriya lmaoooo
on October 19, 2020

@Kpop_emotions091 I KNoW
on October 19, 2020

@LeikoMidoriya GrEaT qUeStIoN!!!!!!
on October 19, 2020
on October 19, 2020

When my teacher was doing math the power at the school went out?
on October 19, 2020

Me when I'm 1 minute late to PE on accident:
i'M aLiVe In My BaG lIkE wOw I'm AlIvE iN tHe ClUb Oh WeLl 난 좀 달라 WhAt YoU gOnNa Do I'm A bAd KiNdA pLaYeR tHoUsAnD dOlLaR sHoEs ThOuSaNd DoLlAr ShOeS 'cAuSe I'm BaD 追不上的 tHoUsAnD dOlLaR sHoEs 'CaUsE i'M bAd 如此特别
i'M aLiVe In My BaG lIkE wOw I'm AlIvE iN tHe ClUb Oh WeLl 난 좀 달라 WhAt YoU gOnNa Do I'm A bAd KiNdA pLaYeR tHoUsAnD dOlLaR sHoEs ThOuSaNd DoLlAr ShOeS 'cAuSe I'm BaD 追不上的 tHoUsAnD dOlLaR sHoEs 'CaUsE i'M bAd 如此特别
on October 19, 2020

Yesterday I tore up an old journal and it felt amazing to rip it to shreds ?
on October 19, 2020

I guess I'll join the national complaint of Taeil not getting enough lines and only getting high notes (sorry Taeyong I know you're trying lol)
on October 19, 2020

TheUnofficalKpopRat091 uploaded a photo
This was at the end of the From Home MV and I wanted to cry

on October 19, 2020

on October 19, 2020

TW//cutting// (just a quick update about a recent post)
- See More
Okay just an update on things, I haven't lost anything for the cutting thing, and I'm glad.
- See More
Okay just an update on things, I haven't lost anything for the cutting thing, and I'm glad.
on October 18, 2020

Honestly I still couldn't tell you what my science teacher was talking about

@Lil_Blossom lmao earlier I fell asleep during math and my mom noticed, so she started walking towards me then I looked up and she asked if I fell asleep and I said "No I was doing my math quiz" XDDDD
on October 17, 2020
on October 16, 2020

I... Don't know... I just... Don't know. ?
I... Don't know... I just... Don't know. ?

Genius English Translations – NCT U - Volcano (English Translation) Lyrics | Genius Lyrics
[Verse 1] / Yeah, aye / Start quickly, get into it / Focus, hotter / Back swing, already sweating / NCT new kids, you can take a lap / Unpredictable temperatures / It boils and
on October 16, 2020

@Lil_Blossom Thank you so much, and I'm sorry I made this your concern lol I just have no idea what to do and I'm scared I'm never going to be able to listen to music or even look at my idols ever again because my parents of course would think the thing that makes me happy is the problem
on October 16, 2020

@Jane_The_Killer1 I wish I could... I already tried that but they already know the truth
on October 16, 2020

@Lil_Blossom my mom saw the cuts and dragged me to my father, who forcefully pulled up both my sleeves looking like he wanted to hurt me, then both of them said that we would chat later about it, and they asked me when I did it, but I have a bad memory so I said I don't know, and they yelled at me that I would have to give a response later this evening, then See More my mom told me that I'm in big trouble, and that it's probably going to get worse later, but I really don't understand how me getting in trouble is supposed to help in this case, and honestly I think I'm going to lose the only things that make me happy, tonight. All of them.
on October 16, 2020
on October 16, 2020

The podcast my teacher plays every Friday keeps screaming and I'm starting to get a headache smh
on October 16, 2020

Ha proof that school is invading my brain
I forgot to set my alarm but I ended up waking up just on time....
I forgot to set my alarm but I ended up waking up just on time....
on October 16, 2020

S.T.R.E.A.M. P.L.E.A.S.E
S.T.R.E.A.M. P.L.E.A.S.E
NCT U 엔시티 유 'Make A Wish (Birthday Song)' MV
NCT's 2nd album "NCT - The 2nd Album RESONANCE Pt. 1" is out! ?Listen and download on your favorite platform: https://nct2020.lnk.to/resonanceID ?Official st...

This be what I dance to most of the time and look like an idiot doing it or laughing or smiling so much I look weird c:
on October 15, 2020
on October 15, 2020

Heh heh heh I literally did just say my teacher wants us to do a project but instead I accidentally turned theater mode on my youtube, and I'm dancing crazily to random songs c:
on October 15, 2020

I zoned out then when I snapped back up the teacher said "Alright, don't forget that code, and get started on the project."

on October 15, 2020
on October 15, 2020

Myyyyyyyy fingerrrrrrrrrrr hurtsssssssssssssss

@Lil_Blossom When life gives you an angel, smacking your finger is extra necessary XD
on October 15, 2020

@Lil_Blossom lmaoo I'm sorry
Shotaro is so smol and bootiful omg and him dancing to Kick It just be: ?
Shotaro is so smol and bootiful omg and him dancing to Kick It just be: ?
on October 15, 2020
on October 15, 2020