By "Super classy" do you mean "Finds random things to wear and doesn't have proper manners"? Cause if you do, you are correct!
on April 27, 2015
Hmmm.... I wonder what it would be like to actually work at Freddy's....
on April 27, 2015
on April 27, 2015
on April 27, 2015
on April 27, 2015
on April 27, 2015
on April 27, 2015
on April 27, 2015
on April 27, 2015
Nots gonna says...
on April 27, 2015
on April 27, 2015
on April 27, 2015
on April 27, 2015
on April 27, 2015
on April 27, 2015
Am I the only one who doesn't know what 'Shrek is love, Shrek is life' means?
on April 27, 2015
on April 27, 2015
on April 27, 2015
on April 27, 2015
on April 27, 2015
on April 27, 2015
Me: *hears TV say 'rotten to the core' and looks at it* Yes, yes I am.
on April 27, 2015
on April 27, 2015
on April 27, 2015
on April 27, 2015
on April 27, 2015
Guess how I'm gonna die.
on April 27, 2015
on April 27, 2015
TheNutellaHedgehog uploaded a photo
on April 26, 2015
I'm gonna go to bed. Night my Lil Nutellas!
on April 26, 2015
on April 26, 2015
TheNutellaHedgehog uploaded a photo
on April 26, 2015
on April 26, 2015
on April 26, 2015
TheNutellaHedgehog subscribed to page
Who's your qfeast crush
on April 26, 2015
Idk... ._.
on April 26, 2015
on April 26, 2015
on April 26, 2015
on April 26, 2015
TheNutellaHedgehog subscribed to page
CreepyPasta RP page
on April 26, 2015
When you look through pics of Vincent/Purple Guy and you start having a crush on him. Someone! Hit me with the office fan!
on April 26, 2015