My tablets being a jerk... I won't let me type half of the time and the battery dies quickly...
on June 08, 2015

on June 08, 2015

on June 08, 2015

on June 08, 2015

"Pfffft. Magic is magic. There's no difference."
Omg! Just like Love is love!
Omg! Just like Love is love!

Correction, there are multiple types of magic. However there is only one singular type of love that can be shone through various genders
on June 08, 2015
on June 08, 2015

Omg... I like Discord... I fwucking like Discord... My life... No longer has a meaning...
on June 08, 2015

Luigi is jelly of my fabulousness *does fabulous pose and flips hair* XD jk, jk
on June 08, 2015

I needs answers ?

What Break-Up Song Is Better?
The question Is simple, what song do YOU think is best to send to someone you are breaking up with?. Star this question to receive answer updates
on June 08, 2015

I have a date at 9:00 PM on the London Bridge
. See More
With Cleverbot.
Yeah, this is how bad my life is people.
. See More
With Cleverbot.
Yeah, this is how bad my life is people.
on June 08, 2015

TheNutellaHedgehog asked a question

What Break-Up Song Is Better? The question Is simple, what song do YOU think is best to...
on June 08, 2015