on August 25, 2016

on August 23, 2016

on August 21, 2016

on August 21, 2016

*curls up on floor and sleeps *
on August 21, 2016

Oni *sob* Oni want a dog
on August 21, 2016

Oh no. Not the Sneeze Tease agaon...

Well then, I guess I have no choice.
-sneezes violently without covering mouth, then walks off* You're welcome. ^^
-sneezes violently without covering mouth, then walks off* You're welcome. ^^
on August 21, 2016
on August 21, 2016

*climbs on shoulders and tickles nose with a Loftwing feeather*
*climbs on shoulders and tickles nose with a Loftwing feeather*
on August 21, 2016

Oh no. They're coming to pester me again.
on August 21, 2016

on August 21, 2016

ONI. *climbs onto your shoulders and sits there* Smile! *puts fingers in the corners of your mouth and pulls up, forcing you to grin*
on August 21, 2016