Okay this entire Q-week has been:
West is a bitch
Sam's "death"
Fûck West
Old men accs
Walter See More
Feminists stink, I masturbate to Trump
West is a bitch
Sam's "death"
Fûck West
Old men accs
Walter See More
Feminists stink, I masturbate to Trump
on August 06, 2019
on August 06, 2019
The.Ice.Is.Melting has become a member of the page
Loona Fans
on August 06, 2019
The.Ice.Is.Melting added a photo to the starred list
on August 06, 2019
I like to masturbate to Trump's interviews while he talks about muslims omg so sexy when he does that lol :x:p<3:-*
on August 06, 2019
on August 06, 2019
The.Ice.Is.Melting added a photo to the starred list
on August 06, 2019
According to all known laws of aviation, there is no way that a bee should be able to fly. Its wings are too small to get its fat little body off the ground. The bee, of course, flies anyway. Because bees don’t care what humans think is impossible.” SEQ. 75 - “INTRO TO BARRY” INT. BENSON HOUSE - DAY ANGLE ON: Sneakers on the ground. Camera PANS UP to reveal BARRY BENSON’S BEDROOM ANGLE ON: Barry’s hand flipping through different sweaters in his closet. BARRY Yellow black, yellow See More black, yellow black, yellow black, yellow black, yellow black...oohh, black and yellow... ANGLE ON: Barry wearing the sweater he picked, looking in the mirror. BARRY (CONT’D) Yeah, let’s shake it up a little. He picks the black and yellow one. He then goes to the sink, takes the top off a CONTAINER OF HONEY, and puts some honey into his hair. He squirts some in his mouth and gargles. Then he takes the lid off the bottle, and rolls some on like deodorant. CUT TO: INT. BENSON HOUSE KITCHEN - CONTINUOUS Barry’s mother, JANET BENSON, yells up at Barry. JANET BENSON Barry, breakfast is ready! CUT TO: "Bee Movie" - JS REVISIONS 8/13/07 1. INT. BARRY’S ROOM - CONTINUOUS BARRY Coming! SFX: Phone RINGING. Barry’s antennae vibrate as they RING like a phone. Barry’s hands are wet. He looks around for a towel. BARRY (CONT’D) Hang on a second! He wipes his hands on his sweater, and pulls his antennae down to his ear and mouth. BARRY (CONT'D) Hello? His best friend, ADAM FLAYMAN, is on the other end. ADAM Barry? BARRY Adam? ADAM Can you believe this is happening? BARRY Can’t believe it. I’ll pick you up. Barry sticks his stinger in a sharpener. SFX: BUZZING AS HIS STINGER IS SHARPENED. He tests the sharpness with his finger. SFX: Bing. BARRY (CONT’D) Looking sharp. ANGLE ON: Barry hovering down the hall, sliding down the staircase bannister. Barry’s mother, JANET BENSON, is in the kitchen. JANET BENSON Barry, why don’t you use the stairs? Your father paid good money for those. "Bee Movie" - JS REVISIONS 8/13/07 2. BARRY Sorry, I’m excited. Barry’s father, MARTIN BENSON, ENTERS. He’s reading a NEWSPAPER with the HEADLINE, “Queen gives birth to thousandtuplets: Resting Comfortably.” MARTIN BENSON Here’s the graduate. We’re very proud of you, Son. And a perfect report card, all B’s. JANET BENSON (mushing Barry’s hair) Very proud. BARRY Ma! I’ve got a thing going here.
on August 06, 2019
on August 06, 2019
All those Bible readings I did with my mom and I forgot what circumcision is. Wow thanks memory.
on August 06, 2019
on August 06, 2019
on August 06, 2019
The.Ice.Is.Melting created a poll
Kit Kats you eat how?
on August 06, 2019
on August 06, 2019
on August 06, 2019
Now there's a white lady acc lol
Welcome to M.andrews1's Profile. Connect with M.andrews1 on Qfeast to receive quiz updates, start conversations, share photos and lot more
on August 06, 2019
The.Ice.Is.Melting added a photo to the starred list
on August 06, 2019
Wait wtf is going on. Whos making all those old man accounts.
on August 06, 2019
on August 06, 2019
on August 06, 2019
Just saying, I'm the one who discovered the legendary god that is Pete ?
on August 06, 2019
on August 06, 2019
on August 06, 2019
Conspiracy: Pete is Maggy's relative
on August 06, 2019
on August 06, 2019
Idk I just have the feeling she made one of her uncles or something make an acc for her to use
on August 06, 2019
on August 06, 2019