I'm kinda done with this one user but I'm not unfollowing or blocking
on July 31, 2016

on July 31, 2016

Is it bad that I laugh when people say "you can use me" on guess that qfeaster.

on July 30, 2016
on July 30, 2016

Directed @Angel_the_fallen_angel
Transgender isn't a choice, a girl changed transgender for a gay guy, I know it may sound sweet but it isn't a choice omg.
Transgender isn't a choice, a girl changed transgender for a gay guy, I know it may sound sweet but it isn't a choice omg.
on July 30, 2016

on July 30, 2016

I just found out who has the best username around
I just found out who has the best username around

on July 30, 2016

I'm saving this username for next time I'm able to change it on my regular account
on July 30, 2016
on July 30, 2016

Lmao does she literally not know how to understand a joke

@Angel_the_fallen_angel no it was a joke do you not get it ? You are a moron
on July 30, 2016
on July 30, 2016

The neighbors older daughter has some style in choosing dresses
on July 30, 2016

Honestly I love being at my neighbors house since I don't feel like I'm being watched
on July 30, 2016

on July 30, 2016

Honestly I find Ciel x Sebastian pedophilia
Honestly I find Ciel x Sebastian pedophilia
on July 30, 2016

Unstoppable God - Elevation Worship (Lyrics)
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on July 30, 2016