what. same hair color.

dam photo limimtttttttttttttttttttttttttt but pomni and frisk and chara
on October 22, 2023
on October 22, 2023

Soooooooooo who wanna play in a server besides CF?
on October 22, 2023

got muted in a MC server just for 'violent speach (G)'
on October 22, 2023

THEONEANDONLYZIPONANPAPERAIRPLANE added a photo to the starred list
THE POLL HAS SPOKEN!!!! (My new pfp)

on October 22, 2023

all these dam comments taht say '---- needs a oscar' is so annoying
on October 22, 2023

WTF all the replys that bot left and the replys to the comment IS GONE there were like 4 replys
on October 22, 2023

on October 22, 2023

well its 404 lemme ... https://www.youtube.com/@shevaseemyabout/featured
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on October 22, 2023

BRO WHY IS THERE A FUTKING BOT THAT IS MORE SMART THEN THE OTHERS https://www.youtube.com/@shevaseemyabout/about
on October 22, 2023

on October 22, 2023
on October 22, 2023

i even had hacks on. auto answer every blook max tokens
on October 22, 2023

on October 22, 2023

on October 22, 2023