?Strawberry? ?Christmas Spirit?
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Comments (21)

Omfg I wont pasta to

on May 10, 2016
on May 10, 2016

Why isn't underfell papyrus in this picture

Bc there not creepy pasta

Now, I meant it as a joke bc papyrus likes pasta
And all those creepypastas are
kill me now
And all those creepypastas are
kill me now
on May 08, 2016
on May 08, 2016
on May 08, 2016

on May 08, 2016

Ben tho. xD
on May 08, 2016

Ashley/Shadow: omg *laughs head off*

nu funny
on May 07, 2016
on May 07, 2016

All: How did you get this picture? *Looks like PewDiePie when he sees barrels*

Maryan: i was talking a pic
(btw look at me porfile pic*
(btw look at me porfile pic*

on May 07, 2016
on May 07, 2016
on May 07, 2016