StarTheCrusader asked a question

Starlight: Scootaloo got a black eye, please ask us anything Scootaloo: some filly smac...
on April 05, 2018

StarTheCrusader asked a question

Ask the Cmc Yes, this does include Starlight because she is a cutie mark crusader
on April 04, 2018

on April 04, 2018

StarTheCrusader asked a question

Be honest, if you post a poll and it has 9 votes, do you vote? Starlight: Yep Scootaloo...
on April 04, 2018

on April 04, 2018

Starlight: my mom is making me trying on dresses because she thinks im girly
Scootaloo: me too?
Scootaloo: me too?
on April 03, 2018

on April 03, 2018

Starlight: hey guys, us four are going to the pool soon...
Scootaloo: we are going to build a bear at 11...
Sweetie belle: we're gona build kittens..
Apple bloom; after we are all finished, we are going back ti following y'all!
All four Cmc: *high fived one another* Ya!
Scootaloo: did you say we were building a kitten?
Sweetie belle: uhh, mo. Maybe. Yes.
Scootaloo: we are going to build a bear at 11...
Sweetie belle: we're gona build kittens..
Apple bloom; after we are all finished, we are going back ti following y'all!
All four Cmc: *high fived one another* Ya!
Scootaloo: did you say we were building a kitten?
Sweetie belle: uhh, mo. Maybe. Yes.
on April 02, 2018

on April 02, 2018