SpiltMilkDOntCRy asked a question
Does anyone on here besides me know about VANOSSgaming on youtube? PLEase I'm DESperate.
on August 05, 2015
So I was actually able to wake up today-
Don't judge me it's summer and I usually wake up a five in the afternoon-
I stay up till' like six a.m. sooooo-
Don't judge me it's summer and I usually wake up a five in the afternoon-
I stay up till' like six a.m. sooooo-
on August 05, 2015
on August 05, 2015
on August 05, 2015
SpiltMilkDOntCRy subscribed to page
Complete Randomness!
on August 05, 2015
SpiltMilkDOntCRy uploaded a photo
on August 04, 2015
jesus christ, I remeber knowing this song when I was like six years old, I loved the beat to it and I still do XD
jesus christ, I remeber knowing this song when I was like six years old, I loved the beat to it and I still do XD
((LYRICS)) I Cant Decide- The Scissor Sisters /typo
I hope you are all extremely dizzy from all the spinning transitions. ((LYRICS)) It's not easy having yourself a good time Greasing up those bets and betters...
on August 04, 2015
DEADLINE: 1st FEBRUARY 2015 //IT'S PAST THE DUE DATE// First, (I think) good MAP on my channel heh. Okay, so this MAP is about pairs/siblings, etc. Rules: 1....
on August 04, 2015
My laptop, pop tarts, making up new names for common everyday objects. As an example for that last one, I literally call birds birbs or birdelies.
on August 03, 2015
Chewing on plastic, it can be pens, old plastic toys, heck sometimes it doesn't even have to be plastic and I'll end up chewing on pencils.
on August 03, 2015
Also, another time on my computer, me and my friend play this game called animal jam while we're on a phone call. My friend tells me she's going to get a snack and I hear the door close signaling she left. All of a sudden her account starts messaging me things like "decay", and "YOU CANT STOP WHAT ALREADY STARTED", also "I will find you in your dreams". Then when my friend comes back in I show her the chat and she starts freaking out saying she wasn't in the room and my friend See More also has one of those really loud keyboards that you can hear over the phone no matter how quiet you try to be. The following night I heard what sounded like a little girl whispering into my left ear, " in your dreams..".
on August 02, 2015
It was probably two in the morning and I was on my laptop, I had glanced up for half a second and saw a tall, all black, human figure slide down the hallway. And it's weird because it didn't look like its legs moved, it was just standing straight up. He had great posture I'll give him that.
on August 02, 2015
Another time from when i was somewhat little, I was in this ginormous ditch that I have behind my house that has a lot of random stuff in it, plastic, old Mcdonalds toys, nails, old wood, etc. etc. Anywho, I was just casually walking when my clumsy self decided to trip and fall only to have a piece of wood with a rusty nail stickin' out of it pierce into my knee, I think my mom said it was somewhere below the kneecap (?? I was like 5 I can't really remember that well) I had to See More be taken to the hospital to get some shots to keep me from getting an infection.
on August 02, 2015
when I was like, 4 years old, one of those giant a$$ flat screen TVs almost fell on top of me. Probably would've been crushed if my brother hadn't stopped the TV from falling directly on me.
on August 02, 2015
I just changed my Qfeast username. My old username was skyfallDarrkyTheFennecFox
on July 27, 2015
You know what? I'm bored. Has anyone besides me ever fallen asleep without even knowing it? I'll wake up at like three a.m. wondering what the hell just happened because I can't remember the sh*t that happened before I went to sleep. Okay so, you know how on an apple computer they have that little trash can on the bottom of the screen? it's like somebody basically drags the stuff that I was just doing (Youtube, Other stuff, etc.) into that tiny lil' trashcan at the bottom corner See More of my mind.
on July 26, 2015
on July 24, 2015
SpiltMilkDOntCRy added a poll to the starred list
Who is your favorite youtuber?
on July 17, 2015
SpiltMilkDOntCRy uploaded a photo
on July 17, 2015
Hello everybody I know on here, well today I wanted to announce something rather important about me... I'll probably get plenty hate for it, and I understand that, not everybody supports it.. but, today I'd thought I'd let you all know because I've been on here for a while now and I had thought you guys deserved to know.. so i'll be uploading a picture here in a minute explaining what I mean.. for those who understand and accept me, I just want to say thank you so, so much. For See More those who want to hate on me I fully understand and you have the freedom to unfollow me if you want to..
on July 17, 2015