SparksInTheNight created a story

The Census
on December 11, 2023
SparksInTheNight added a new chapter to A Story of Forever
Part 17
And so the days turned into years and Navee and Amnee got older. Mamon had to hold their tongue, hold their tongue, and hold their tongue in front of the Uzras. And Mamon had to go along with the Uzras and their plans and their demands and their cruelty.
And Mamon couldn’t take it anymore. They had had enough.
The Uzras were having a grand party at the mansion of Varli, a Yemar who had betrayed his side and was loyal to and privileged by the Uzras. There, they were drinking and feasting a... Read Full Chapter
And Mamon couldn’t take it anymore. They had had enough.
The Uzras were having a grand party at the mansion of Varli, a Yemar who had betrayed his side and was loyal to and privileged by the Uzras. There, they were drinking and feasting a... Read Full Chapter
on December 11, 2023
SparksInTheNight created a story

Ways People Will be Killed by Climate Change
on December 01, 2023
SparksInTheNight added a new chapter to A Story of Forever
Part 16
And so life continued. Karkion’s youngest child Amnee got raised by Mamon and Naia just as Thrash was. And this child was a sweet young thing, just as Thrash used to be. And she was even friends with Navee, who was about the same age as her. Naia and Mamon had great hopes for this child. Though they knew that they shouldn’t get their hopes up. They saw what had happened to Thrash.
One day Mamon was running away from Thrash, who had gotten it in his mind to beat them. Mamon was running as fa... Read Full Chapter
One day Mamon was running away from Thrash, who had gotten it in his mind to beat them. Mamon was running as fa... Read Full Chapter
on November 30, 2023
SparksInTheNight created a story

Acts of Kindness that Changed my Life
on November 12, 2023
SparksInTheNight added a new chapter to A Story of Forever
Part 15
Now Sakava was the personal servant of Thrash’s wife Tovera. And Tovera was very radiantly beautiful. This was because she never had to get herself dirty and sweaty with work. This was because she could afford the most intricately-prepared mix of herbs and plants and honeys to wash her face and her body snd her hair in. All prepared by Sakava of course. Tovera was beautiful because she had the time and the resources to take a hot bath every day. And she could sit around having her long hair b...
Read Full Chapter
on November 12, 2023
SparksInTheNight created a story

Unbreakable Youth
on October 23, 2023
SparksInTheNight added a new chapter to A Story of Forever
Part 14
Now Mamon did many things for these children who were now under their care. The children who mourned their parents each and every day. The children who Mamon had to give some sort of family to. Some sort of solace.
One day Sakava was serving the Uzras their morning meal. And the Uzras were eating light, soft, sweet things made of honey and fruit. Sakava was looking at the food with her wide, dark eyes, not saying anything as if she was a hollowed-out ghost.
Hali looked at Sakava looking a... Read Full Chapter
One day Sakava was serving the Uzras their morning meal. And the Uzras were eating light, soft, sweet things made of honey and fruit. Sakava was looking at the food with her wide, dark eyes, not saying anything as if she was a hollowed-out ghost.
Hali looked at Sakava looking a... Read Full Chapter
on October 23, 2023
SparksInTheNight created a story

Dragon Wings and Wishes
on October 11, 2023
SparksInTheNight created a story

The Water Screams in Protest
on September 22, 2023
SparksInTheNight added a new chapter to A Story of Forever
Part 13
Thrash now was a young teenager, and in his heart was only pride and wrath and desire for more and more power. He did not take after his older brothers at all. He did not question the way that things were at all. He relished in the power that he held over others. The little boy that was once there was gone.
Thrash was travelling through his father’s kingdom with Mamon trailing behind him. The two came to the humble room of one Yemar couple, who had two young children named Aldo and Sakava. ... Read Full Chapter
Thrash was travelling through his father’s kingdom with Mamon trailing behind him. The two came to the humble room of one Yemar couple, who had two young children named Aldo and Sakava. ... Read Full Chapter
on September 22, 2023
SparksInTheNight created a story

Mother Mutilated
on September 05, 2023
SparksInTheNight created a story

Finding Stars Despite the Urban Light Pollution
on August 30, 2023
SparksInTheNight added a new chapter to A Story of Forever
Part 12
Now Funaraya was also an Uzra with much greed in her heart. She wanted a vast plot of land from which she could build her business and produce many goods, so that people would pay her much money and be dependant upon her. She also thought that she was very wise and could easily get the land she needed.
Now it should be said that Funaraya had three sons, given to her by a Yemar man. Now according to the laws of the Uzras, these sons were not Uzra. And she never treated them like her sons eit... Read Full Chapter
Now it should be said that Funaraya had three sons, given to her by a Yemar man. Now according to the laws of the Uzras, these sons were not Uzra. And she never treated them like her sons eit... Read Full Chapter
on August 24, 2023
SparksInTheNight created a story

A War Not Won
on July 31, 2023
SparksInTheNight added a new chapter to A Story of Forever
Part 11
There were stories of victory and joy, even amidst all the pain and suffering. The Yemars used their collective cleverness and cunning to win for themselves many small victories amidst the great defeats. There were even occasional stories of escape.
Like the story of Eiley, the man who was imprisoned by an Uzra lord who ruled over a sizeable tract of land.
The Uzra lord thought himself very important indeed, and he wanted to have fine things the likes of which no-one had before. His heart... Read Full Chapter
Like the story of Eiley, the man who was imprisoned by an Uzra lord who ruled over a sizeable tract of land.
The Uzra lord thought himself very important indeed, and he wanted to have fine things the likes of which no-one had before. His heart... Read Full Chapter
on July 31, 2023
SparksInTheNight created a story

The Forest and Her Children
on July 23, 2023
SparksInTheNight added a new chapter to A Story of Forever
Part 10
Now remember that the Yemars came from the waters which rose forth out of Puri. The Yemars were connected with water. Water was what gave life and healing. It flowed through all the land, nourishing and vitalizing it. It flowed through all bodies, nourishing and vitalizing them. Blood was the element of water that was within all bodies. It healed everyone from all sorts of afflictions just as water purified and washed the earth.
Oella was one with the rain. Wherever she went, she could summ... Read Full Chapter
Oella was one with the rain. Wherever she went, she could summ... Read Full Chapter
on July 23, 2023
SparksInTheNight created a story

The First Winter
on July 04, 2023
SparksInTheNight added a new chapter to A Story of Forever
Part 9
Now Karkion was trying to have a new son who could fight for him in the war that was to come. In the final battle. He knew that he needed more strong heirs with whom to fill his armies. But Geyna did not want to bear him another son at the moment.
So he went out across the lands and he came to find a beautiful Yemarian woman named Rindira. He asked her to sleep with him and bear him a son. She refused him, for she did not want to associate herself with the Uzras who kept her people down. An... Read Full Chapter
So he went out across the lands and he came to find a beautiful Yemarian woman named Rindira. He asked her to sleep with him and bear him a son. She refused him, for she did not want to associate herself with the Uzras who kept her people down. An... Read Full Chapter
on July 03, 2023