Space 10101
Space10101 - Page 14
Hello, I am a weirdo and a nerd. Please remember though, I am not a geek. If you look up these three words in the dictionary, you get this:
N. (Pl. weirdos) INFORMAL a person See More whose behaviour seems strange or eccentric.
Nerd (Also nurd)
N. INFORMAL a foolish or contemptible person who lack social skills or is boringly studious.
N. INFORMAL An unfashionable or socially inept person
And if you look up the word "food" you get this:
N. [mass noun] any nutritious substance that people or animals eat or drink or that plants absorb in order to maintain life and growth
All of these definitions are of course, totally wrong. The dictionary should say this:
A level of coolness involving minions, space, cats, steampunk and whatever else you want to involve. This level of coolness it so cool that not many people understand it.
An awesome person with great science and computer skills. They often are often socially awkward.
A person who is obsessed with homework and sees the universe as a school.
The most awesome thing (excluding David Bowie) to exist in all known universes and quite a lot of unknown ones.
So my advice to normal people:
1. Go to the loo.
2. Eat.
3. Sleep
4. Breathe
5. Repeat
And my advice to weirdos and nerds (or nerdy weirdos):
1. Stop lamas from taking over the world
2. Stick a babel fish in your ear
3. Listen to David Bowie's music
4. Draw squids
5. Do amazing stuff
Finally my advice to geeks:
1. Liven up a bit
2. Have fun
May the force be ever in your favour and may the odds be with you. May the dolphins tell you secrets of the cosmos, may the mice not try to cut your brain open too often and may you love warrior cats until the end comes.
And now there is only one thing to say.
N. (Pl. weirdos) INFORMAL a person See More whose behaviour seems strange or eccentric.
Nerd (Also nurd)
N. INFORMAL a foolish or contemptible person who lack social skills or is boringly studious.
N. INFORMAL An unfashionable or socially inept person
And if you look up the word "food" you get this:
N. [mass noun] any nutritious substance that people or animals eat or drink or that plants absorb in order to maintain life and growth
All of these definitions are of course, totally wrong. The dictionary should say this:
A level of coolness involving minions, space, cats, steampunk and whatever else you want to involve. This level of coolness it so cool that not many people understand it.
An awesome person with great science and computer skills. They often are often socially awkward.
A person who is obsessed with homework and sees the universe as a school.
The most awesome thing (excluding David Bowie) to exist in all known universes and quite a lot of unknown ones.
So my advice to normal people:
1. Go to the loo.
2. Eat.
3. Sleep
4. Breathe
5. Repeat
And my advice to weirdos and nerds (or nerdy weirdos):
1. Stop lamas from taking over the world
2. Stick a babel fish in your ear
3. Listen to David Bowie's music
4. Draw squids
5. Do amazing stuff
Finally my advice to geeks:
1. Liven up a bit
2. Have fun
May the force be ever in your favour and may the odds be with you. May the dolphins tell you secrets of the cosmos, may the mice not try to cut your brain open too often and may you love warrior cats until the end comes.
And now there is only one thing to say.