Even though this isn't a meme, should I make another quiz, and if so what about
on April 21, 2015

Humans of the nation, I might have started the zombie apocalypse...
on April 18, 2015

UHEM, uhemmmmm, uhermmmmmmmmmm, uspermmmmmmmmmmmmm...that last one was just ew
on April 18, 2015

on April 15, 2015

Whenever you need a shoulder to cry on....................ill make you food, then let you cry on my shoulder while you eat

then i will kiss you, and tell you its gonna be alright. theeeeen i will go kick some ass.....maybe......
on April 07, 2015
on April 07, 2015

on April 07, 2015
on April 07, 2015