SoulOfTheWolves_Inactive's Photo: 71 / 108
Back on Q u o t e v this was a role play scene with my freinds. Cats involved are in comments.
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Comments (7)

Okay, so this is Ghoststar (White furred, purple eyes) threatining leader of DuskClan Clearstar (his sister, white furred, blue eyes) and her clan. Cats watching are: Toadstep (brown furred tom) Flamepaw (orange tom) Wolfpaw (grey she-cat) and Darktree (black she-cat)
on March 19, 2016
Sorry for the pun...
Interesting, so they were all fighting at one point then? Since everyone in the picture seems to be injured in some for, some worse than others it may seem....
Eh, maybe it's so it can become more intense so you can have epic duels like that! I wonder who will win...