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Comments (12)

Everyone wants to kick you while your down, it's only when you refuse to get back up does it change
on May 02, 2016

Society is stupid at points they support or help others the next. They'er insulting and calling people attention seekers because of who they are or what they've become.

I feel your pain.
on March 31, 2016

From what I've seen, there is no middle. Its ether you're loved or hated. A war zone no one can hear, or see. A war were only words are the bullets. A glares are shotguns. I am, sadly, one to be stuck in the middle. I'm loved, then hated. Then loved once again. But ,y heart never settles for anything.
on March 31, 2016
on March 31, 2016

Sometimes I have to wonder what society has come to...and what it's future may hold...
It seems that if you aren't on one side of the spectrum, you're automatically on the other....apparently no middle ground...
It seems that if you aren't on one side of the spectrum, you're automatically on the other....apparently no middle ground...

Yes, thats whats sad. You're eather lovedor hated. humanity Is a sad thing latetly.

Indeed...though that may never change...titles may shift, and new problems may occur...but we will always have this sort of hate....but always having something isn't always good...
Humanity is like a Chamelian, changing it's colors to mask the truth.... Society is like a wild, untrained animal....one second it can be working with you, but the next it can be See More working against you...
Humanity is like a Chamelian, changing it's colors to mask the truth.... Society is like a wild, untrained animal....one second it can be working with you, but the next it can be See More working against you...
on March 29, 2016
on March 29, 2016
on March 29, 2016