Watch Thomas Sanders's Vine "Guilty as Charged ? (W/ Brandon Calvillo)"
Vine by Thomas Sanders
on October 15, 2015

dont tell me this isn't the best commerical ever
dont tell me this isn't the best commerical ever

Your Father (30s) | Campbell’s #RealRealLife
Galaxy’s Best Dads. Campbell’s Star Wars Inspired Soups. Made for real, real life. #RealRealLife
on October 13, 2015

on October 10, 2015

on October 10, 2015

tw; rape
on ahs: hotel there is a loud gorey rape scene from about 18:00 to 22:30. be careful.
on ahs: hotel there is a loud gorey rape scene from about 18:00 to 22:30. be careful.
on October 10, 2015

ew my school is so like
not trying to be funny, but i am honestly scared for my life there because two times (this year and last year) someone almost died thanks to a student
last year some kid chased a bunch of people with lit matches and then set a garbage can on fire
this year some kid threatened a bunch of 5th graders with a lighter and didn't even get a suspension
im so pissed
i know it sounds funny and all See More
but its not
not trying to be funny, but i am honestly scared for my life there because two times (this year and last year) someone almost died thanks to a student
last year some kid chased a bunch of people with lit matches and then set a garbage can on fire
this year some kid threatened a bunch of 5th graders with a lighter and didn't even get a suspension
im so pissed
i know it sounds funny and all See More
but its not
on October 10, 2015

wtf happened overnight
on October 09, 2015
on October 09, 2015

If on the news it says that some kid in PA tried to burn down a school, that happened in my school.
on October 08, 2015

ew i just saw some disgusting post saying
im not even going to say it
but plz
im not even going to say it
but plz
on October 08, 2015
on October 08, 2015

I just found a fuuck ton of AUs. If anyone on here gives me a ship I ship and one of the AUs to write about since I'm bored, you will be my friend forever. http://witty5sosurl.tumblr.com/post/110577301867/in-case-youre-ever-in-a-writing-shlump
on October 08, 2015

Kacy!! Did!! Not!! Fall!! From!! Her!! Height!!
She!! Is!! Not!! That!! Great!! Of!! A!! Competitor!!
Get!! Over!! It!!
She!! Is!! Not!! That!! Great!! Of!! A!! Competitor!!
Get!! Over!! It!!
on October 07, 2015