on November 16, 2015

Can someone like explain the difference between "ciswap" and "genderbend" because i always thought genderbends were just another version in an au and cisswaps (which are wrong) are like a variant where they aare trans*???? can someone explain im a lost egg
on November 16, 2015

Steven Universe- 2 years
Undertale- 1 month
Homestuck - about a year and two months
DRAMAtical Murder- about a year
Show By Rock!! - about 2 months
Various Everythings - about 1 month
Free! - 9 months? See More
Percy Jackson - like 2 years
DanganRonpa - 6 months
Haikyuu! - like um 3 months maybe idk
Repo$t with how long youve been in all of your fandoms : D
>Starrted by Baeger
Undertale- 1 month
Homestuck - about a year and two months
DRAMAtical Murder- about a year
Show By Rock!! - about 2 months
Various Everythings - about 1 month
Free! - 9 months? See More
Percy Jackson - like 2 years
DanganRonpa - 6 months
Haikyuu! - like um 3 months maybe idk
Repo$t with how long youve been in all of your fandoms : D
>Starrted by Baeger
on November 16, 2015

People's reaction to Barbie: omg girls are going to have such low self confidence seeing this doll what will we do the world is ending omg we need to get this down #savethegirls
People's reaction to figurines of male characters portraying a majorly unrealistic body type: lol what is the big deal
Like I'm not even kidding. This is not exaggerated in any way (okay maybe the grammar was a bit exaggerated)
People's reaction to figurines of male characters portraying a majorly unrealistic body type: lol what is the big deal
Like I'm not even kidding. This is not exaggerated in any way (okay maybe the grammar was a bit exaggerated)

The original She-ra character wasn't TOO bad. The newer versions are kind of... meh. But people make a big deal about the female characters. Like I once met a dude who complained about male characters and when I brought up the female characters with big boobs, small waists, and skimpy outfits he said "dude i would love to be like a girl in a video game" @StickerLord
on November 16, 2015
on November 16, 2015

I was leading more towards this: https://www.google.com/search?q=he-man&biw=1680&bih=925&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0CAYQ_AUoAWoVChMIyunD1O6TyQIVgpoeCh0nZQxa but that makes sense @TransgenderAvenger
on November 16, 2015
on November 16, 2015
on November 16, 2015

on November 16, 2015

on November 16, 2015

It upsets me that there are actually people in America refusing to help the people in France because "9/11 was worse" and "no one cared about 9/11". This may sound rude, but do you know what? 9/11 is over. Yes, we should remember the victims. But you can't dwell on the past.
on November 15, 2015

on November 15, 2015

on November 15, 2015

the signs as ridiculous things mettaton has done
aries: responding to every employee complaint with "that's not how they do it on the surface"
taurus: catching the stick in his mouth and winking
gemini: "the bomb won't go off in two minutes.....NOW ITLL GO OFF IN TWO SECONDS"
cancer: getting hit by basically a nerf dart and saying "ohhh nooo you got me, whatever"
leo: selling a steak in the shape of his face
virgo: laying seductively on undynes piano and feeding himself grapes See More
libra: selling basketballs for bicep enhancement (???)
scorpio: starring in 26 movies that all consist of rose petals falling on his reclining body
sagittarius: giving you six seconds to write an entire essay about why you love him
capricorn: buying a new diary for every entry
aquarius: instantly turning around upon hearing there's a mirror behind him
pisces: saying awooga
~taken from tumblr~
aries: responding to every employee complaint with "that's not how they do it on the surface"
taurus: catching the stick in his mouth and winking
gemini: "the bomb won't go off in two minutes.....NOW ITLL GO OFF IN TWO SECONDS"
cancer: getting hit by basically a nerf dart and saying "ohhh nooo you got me, whatever"
leo: selling a steak in the shape of his face
virgo: laying seductively on undynes piano and feeding himself grapes See More
libra: selling basketballs for bicep enhancement (???)
scorpio: starring in 26 movies that all consist of rose petals falling on his reclining body
sagittarius: giving you six seconds to write an entire essay about why you love him
capricorn: buying a new diary for every entry
aquarius: instantly turning around upon hearing there's a mirror behind him
pisces: saying awooga
~taken from tumblr~
on November 15, 2015

who remembers that 6teen show and how gay it was

i forgot about it for a while but then this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FULBUkudZSU was recommended to me by youtube and all the memories came flooding back @Faded
on November 15, 2015
on November 15, 2015

Holy mother of god there is this really cute looking manga in this one mep and i have no idea what it is im afraid to ask and its kind of hard to line up the parts with the video

on November 15, 2015
on November 15, 2015

i completely forgot about the everyone is gay mep i need to rewatch that
on November 15, 2015
on November 15, 2015

on November 15, 2015

In case you didn't know Trickster Dirk is my spirit animal (even tho he isnt much different just)
on November 15, 2015

I finally took at one personality test that sometimes you have to take for jobs and stuff. I am 75% introvert. That explains a lot.
Idk it said INTJ
Idk it said INTJ
on November 14, 2015

on November 13, 2015

Like this post and I'll shuffle my speedpaint playlist and whatever song it lands on I'll give my favourite lyrics from.
plz do this. all you have to do is press like.
plz do this. all you have to do is press like.

@Galactic_Noodles Mrs Potato Head "If you want a little more confidence
Potatoes turn to french fries, yeah it's common sense
All you need's a couple more condiments
And a hundred thousand dollars for some compliments
It's such a waste See More
When little girls grow into their mother's face
But little girls are learning how to cut and paste
And pucker up their lips until they suffocate"
Potatoes turn to french fries, yeah it's common sense
All you need's a couple more condiments
And a hundred thousand dollars for some compliments
It's such a waste See More
When little girls grow into their mother's face
But little girls are learning how to cut and paste
And pucker up their lips until they suffocate"
on November 14, 2015

Oh crap um
@TransgenderAdvenger American Beauty/American Physco - "I think I fell in love again
Maybe I just took too much cough medicine
And I'm the best worst thing that hasn't happened to you yet
The best worst thing (whoa)" See More
@Haruka_Nanase Show Me How You Burlesque - "She comes through the club looking for a good time
Gonna make that, shake that, money on a dime
Don’t need a sugga daddy, she can work it just fine
Up on the table, she’ll be dancing all night (hee-eey)"
@TransgenderAdvenger American Beauty/American Physco - "I think I fell in love again
Maybe I just took too much cough medicine
And I'm the best worst thing that hasn't happened to you yet
The best worst thing (whoa)" See More
@Haruka_Nanase Show Me How You Burlesque - "She comes through the club looking for a good time
Gonna make that, shake that, money on a dime
Don’t need a sugga daddy, she can work it just fine
Up on the table, she’ll be dancing all night (hee-eey)"
on November 13, 2015
on November 13, 2015