Snakeninja's Polls - Page 2
Snakeninja published 88 polls

Who else is excited for dishonor 2

Do you like resident evil

Slipknot or five finger death punch
Who do you like better solid snake or ocelot

Who was your fav boss in metal gear solid 3 snake eater
Puppet master or Jason the toy maker
Marilyn Manson or jack off jill

Do you like the band jack off Jill

Do you like merlin manson

Who do you like better snake or raiden

Do you like metal gear

Which of these bosses did you like better in metal gear solid 4 gun of patriots
Knight of soul edge or knight of Excalibur

Excaliber or soul edge witch would you choose
Would you be void or celtic mage or knight

Fallout or skyrim

Do you like the song pain by three days grace
Three days grace or slipknot

Who did you find scary