on July 11, 2016

Hello I just noticed u were following me so I though I would thank u
on July 11, 2016

Hello again fellow reptilian
on July 13, 2016
on July 11, 2016

Hey Logan it's Ellie! I just wanted to say hi and ask how your doing?
on July 01, 2016

Hey guys remember when qfeast was a family and it wasn't all drama and people being inactive
on May 25, 2016

Dear qfeaster I want to stop the drama on this site I remember that we all use to be a family and there was little to no dram let's spread the positive vibes
on May 24, 2016

Snakeninja uploaded a photo
Its a old pic of me dressed like a grim reaper and clown mask from slipknot

on May 22, 2016

Thank you for following me!
on May 10, 2016