*cries again* Nico... Why?

@SlytherinDemigod Yes I have and sure
on October 18, 2014

@JeweledOwl812 You've read Blood of Olympus, right? I can tell you over PM if you like.
on October 18, 2014

@SlytherinDemigod there are many so I'm not sure but I'm crying about him too •_• ^~^ :((
on October 18, 2014

Do you know which bit I mean? :((
on October 18, 2014

on October 18, 2014
on October 18, 2014

HAHAHAHA Reyna and Octavian are my two favourite characters XD
on October 18, 2014

I want to change my username but I can't think what...

Oh, wait. I can't change it until April 15th. As Zoe would say, I have a dam problem.
on October 18, 2014
on October 18, 2014

There are only 10 types of people in the world. Those who understand binary and those who don't.
on October 18, 2014

I've finally learnt every single full prophecy in all the Percy Jackson and the Heroes of Olympus books off by heart. Yay!
on October 18, 2014

on October 18, 2014

I took the official Godly Parent quiz, and I used it to see who WOULDN'T be it. Athena is the least likely to be my parent, apparently. Whatever. Still waiting to be claimed by Apollo. #cabinsevenforlife
on October 18, 2014

I just stared at all my Percy books for about 15 minutes. I got the feels again and started crying.
Poor Nico,
Poor Reyna,
Poor Percy,
Poor Annabeth
*goes on forever*
Poor Nico,
Poor Reyna,
Poor Percy,
Poor Annabeth
*goes on forever*
on October 18, 2014

My username on fanpop is TeddyBearSlayer and whenever I go on it it says "Hi, TeddyBearSlayer," and I'm like xD
on October 18, 2014

That's... what was it? Two and a half hours of my life wasted. The Sea of Monsters film... URGH. I can't look at the Annabeth we know and love from the Mark of Athena the same way anymore.
And what the Hades was that prophecy. Shall reach 20 against all odds? Um... you mean 16? I missed that line 5 times because I was roleplaying and had to keep rewinding xD
I hate you, Chris Colombus. Or however you spell it, I don't care.
And what the Hades was that prophecy. Shall reach 20 against all odds? Um... you mean 16? I missed that line 5 times because I was roleplaying and had to keep rewinding xD
I hate you, Chris Colombus. Or however you spell it, I don't care.

on October 18, 2014

That is why I avoid watching movies based off of books. They completely ruin the book for everyone. That is why my dad watched Divergent before me.
on October 18, 2014
on October 18, 2014

on October 18, 2014

Watching Sea of Monsters. They're at the island. This is so. Fricking. Bad.
on October 18, 2014

I'm going to watch Sea of Monsters for the first time. Can't be worse than The Lightning Thief, can it?
(Famous last words)
(Famous last words)
on October 18, 2014

I'm going to start another drawing of Octavian xD I love drawing him and I don't even know why... He is really cute, though... His blond hair and his teddy bear and his knife
*hugs pillow and pretends it's him*
*hugs pillow and pretends it's him*
on October 18, 2014

Writing my Fanfiction:
*opens Microsoft Word*
*stares at blank page*
*checks notifications*
*plays Minecraft*
*stares at blank page*
*writes title* See More
*saves and quits*
That is how I write my fanfiction (i.e. I don't).
*opens Microsoft Word*
*stares at blank page*
*checks notifications*
*plays Minecraft*
*stares at blank page*
*writes title* See More
*saves and quits*
That is how I write my fanfiction (i.e. I don't).
on October 18, 2014