Shy me? You're very shy, not a big partier! You'll go to party's here and there they're just not the most enjoyable thing in the world for you! You're version of a fun party is your best friend come over and you two Hang out, you have very few close friends. Quality not quantity! Remember don't let your shyness keep you from going places, trust me sometimes letting go helps you have more fun!
I was..emm is watching a 12 hour live stream and I had to listen to HE-MAN FOR AN HOUR I QUICKLY REGERETED IT whenever I here that song I'm gonna feel triggered now xD
You would rather stay in your room and do your own thing. You would rather do things by yourself, and you don't really trust anyone. When your supposed to work together you ignore your partners and do it all by yourself. You could say your a lone wolf.
You are just normal. You are different in your own little ways. You don't need to be a tomboy or girly girl or whatever, you are who are, and that's good.