Siryuki asked a question

Would you be mad if Cartoon network keeps on rebooting the old and good shows? I would ...
on May 10, 2016

Siryuki asked a question

Who is your favorite hetalia character or characters? Mine are France,Italy,America,Jap...
on May 10, 2016

Siryuki asked a question

Have you heard or seen this app called horror amino? You can rp, creepypasta ect
on May 10, 2016

Siryuki asked a question

Is Finding nemo Pixar or Disney? In art class we started talking about movies, comics e...
on May 10, 2016

Siryuki asked a question

Has any one seen this youtuber called Baptismonfire? He's awesome! He does creepypasta ...
on May 10, 2016