In the fifth episode of "Johnny Depp and his hat" we'll see an army of Jesus. I really want to watch that movie!
on May 25, 2017

Today we remember Falcone's death, murdered by Mafia 25 years ago. He was fighting to free the world from Mafia. May his death, his wife's death and the death of all the people who fought against Mafia be not vain.
on May 23, 2017

You can't catch a defeated pokémon by throwing it a pokeball, you can catch it only if it's: burned, paralyzed, poisoned, blocked in ice, sleeping or about to die. Is it only me who smells something stupid in this catching mechanic?
Speeking about sleeping, in a pokémon game (I don't remember which one but I think it was an old one) you can't catch with the pokeball a snorlax sleeping in the middle of the road. You need to wake it up, fight it (and you can even put it See More to sleep again during battle with the right moves) and then you can catch it with the conditions written before. Wasn't it simpler to catch without waking it up?
You can't catch a defeated pokémon by throwing it a pokeball, you can catch it only if it's: burned, paralyzed, poisoned, blocked in ice, sleeping or about to die. Is it only me who smells something stupid in this catching mechanic?
Speeking about sleeping, in a pokémon game (I don't remember which one but I think it was an old one) you can't catch with the pokeball a snorlax sleeping in the middle of the road. You need to wake it up, fight it (and you can even put it See More to sleep again during battle with the right moves) and then you can catch it with the conditions written before. Wasn't it simpler to catch without waking it up?
on May 22, 2017

Super Mario taught me:
A turtle can kill you just touching you. But you can destroy bricks with your head and find coins in them.
A turtle can kill you just touching you. But you can destroy bricks with your head and find coins in them.
on May 22, 2017

Megaman taught me:
A rocket hits you? Bye bye some hp. You fall on spines? Instant explosion of every molecule of your being.
A rocket hits you? Bye bye some hp. You fall on spines? Instant explosion of every molecule of your being.
on May 22, 2017

Sonic taught me:
If you touch lava, you lose rings. If you touch water, instant death.
If you touch lava, you lose rings. If you touch water, instant death.
on May 22, 2017

I was told I'm a nice guy but I should smile more often.
(Saitama intensifies)
(Saitama intensifies)
on May 21, 2017

Ranting ahead.
(No one on here)
. See More
If you came here only to insult my country, the italian food and to show how much superior French people are compared to Italians, you can go back to your pays merdique and stick a baguette up in your cul you stupid slug eater!
(No one on here)
. See More
If you came here only to insult my country, the italian food and to show how much superior French people are compared to Italians, you can go back to your pays merdique and stick a baguette up in your cul you stupid slug eater!
on May 20, 2017

"I'm happy when people I love are happy. I'm happy when people I love are friends with each other. Often it seems I don't exist for them, but it's ok. I just want them happy, all of them, I don't need a thank you. I did nothing special after all."
on May 15, 2017