omg me and willow are drawing a girl on motorcycle and she did a very good job on the bike like holy shit ToT

fvck i did *cool glasses*
on November 08, 2023
on November 08, 2023

man fvck thanksgiving- its not even for what its supposed to be anymore :/ nor is christmas ://
on November 08, 2023

Good morningggggggggggggggg ITS TIMEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE to wake tf up and go to school :/
on November 08, 2023

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on November 08, 2023

ehehe dick is better than pussy

I feel like many people will argue with that but you do you boo <3
I don't even know what I like :')
I don't even know what I like :')
on November 08, 2023
on November 08, 2023

when u put on night light then when u turn it off: woah- my life just changed-
on November 08, 2023

Sc3neC0r3 added a photo to the starred list
After the shower (don’t worry it’ll be normal in the morning)

on November 08, 2023

on November 08, 2023

or maybe purple- hmmmmmmm
on November 08, 2023

ive dyed my hair red so many times so i think imma go for like maybe a white this time?
on November 08, 2023

some blue washed off bro- i think my blue hair is done for now time to move to the next color ig
on November 08, 2023

on November 08, 2023