Man- this is why men are better-
on December 19, 2023

when u send someone a message and they post the same thing as soon as u send it
on December 19, 2023

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on December 18, 2023

Hey, I'm selling you on E-Bay lol

yeah, honestly…but it helps me hide sometimes, i guess. look, i didn't mean this to get personal, i'm sorry. i'm sorry about the crap you went through.
on December 18, 2023
on December 17, 2023

is it just me or being slapped in the face attractive?-
on December 17, 2023

Vent ig- (TW: R@pe, Smoking, And self harm)
. See More
ppl: why arnt u as bright and cheerful as u was before?
me: ...
1: parents leaving me
2: The only family i have is my brother cus everyone died/left
3: Ppl picking on me
4: depression
5: anxiety
6: My adhd is getting out of hand i do stuff without thinking
7: My anger issues
8: the only family i have left doesnt even like me
9: mental health
10: stress
11: having the haunted memory of getting raped when i was younger (yes boys can get raped too-)
12: the memory of everyone telling me i will never make it in life
13: Always being told i should kill myself
14: Smoking problem
15: no one fvcking likes me
. See More
ppl: why arnt u as bright and cheerful as u was before?
me: ...
1: parents leaving me
2: The only family i have is my brother cus everyone died/left
3: Ppl picking on me
4: depression
5: anxiety
6: My adhd is getting out of hand i do stuff without thinking
7: My anger issues
8: the only family i have left doesnt even like me
9: mental health
10: stress
11: having the haunted memory of getting raped when i was younger (yes boys can get raped too-)
12: the memory of everyone telling me i will never make it in life
13: Always being told i should kill myself
14: Smoking problem
15: no one fvcking likes me
on December 04, 2023

raine's cat just laughed in its sleep, this aint no cat its a demon 💀
on December 04, 2023

on December 04, 2023

the fact my brother cant pull anyone while im over here pulling so many ppl just by showing my face without my mask-
on November 28, 2023

Hahaha by tan feelz
Turn off the light
Swear I don't bite
Destiny's calling at 3 at night
Blood rushing down
Who's laughing now
I am your felony See More
Queen of the roses dying
When they scream my name
I go hahaha
You keep trying
Wanna win the game
I go hahaha
Mess with your brain
Drive you insane
You better don't test the monster in me
All of your dreams
Now rest in peace
Pray that I fail, I go "Oh, what a shame"
Take 3 steps back
You had a say in the crime scene
See the evidence
Honey don't try to come out clean
1, 2, 3
Blood on the wall
I'm the queen of the roses dying
When they scream my name
I go hahaha
You keep trying
Wanna win the game
I go hahaha
(Roses dying)
I go hahaha
Turn off the light
Swear I don't bite
Destiny's calling at 3 at night
Blood rushing down
Who's laughing now
I am your felony See More
Queen of the roses dying
When they scream my name
I go hahaha
You keep trying
Wanna win the game
I go hahaha
Mess with your brain
Drive you insane
You better don't test the monster in me
All of your dreams
Now rest in peace
Pray that I fail, I go "Oh, what a shame"
Take 3 steps back
You had a say in the crime scene
See the evidence
Honey don't try to come out clean
1, 2, 3
Blood on the wall
I'm the queen of the roses dying
When they scream my name
I go hahaha
You keep trying
Wanna win the game
I go hahaha
(Roses dying)
I go hahaha
on November 25, 2023

on November 25, 2023

on November 25, 2023

Sc3neC0r3 added a photo to the starred list
were not gonna talk about how i tried brushing my hair but failed AGAIN fvcking curls

on November 25, 2023

Sc3neC0r3 added a photo to the starred list
This is the hairstyle my mom and one of my oldest sisters forced me into-

on November 24, 2023