SC_Q.13 uploaded a photo
on May 25, 2014
on May 24, 2014
that moment when you notice that you keep watching a show cuz you is haz a crush on 1 of da characters
on May 24, 2014
on May 24, 2014
mewmew style mewmew grace mewmew power in your face!!! <-- best catchphrase ever!! #FictionalCrushCuzRealPeepsSuck
on May 24, 2014
Ariana Grande - Put Your Hearts Up
Music video by Ariana Grande performing Put Your Hearts Up. (C) 2011 Universal Republic Records, a division of UMG Recordings, Inc. Buy Now! iTunes - http://...
on May 23, 2014
SC_Q.13 uploaded a photo
on May 20, 2014
epic quote of the day: "keep poking them cuz ur board :3 #pinkchampagne" - MEGS0316
on May 20, 2014
on May 20, 2014
Going to upload a pic from Carlsbad Caverns l8r when I go there B) to the caverns \(._.\) to The Castle (/._.)/
on May 20, 2014
10 more followers
on May 18, 2014
on May 18, 2014
on May 18, 2014
that awkward moment when you remember being six and asking "where the bread goes when you put it in the toaster"
on May 17, 2014
Btw hedgies are my followers.
Btw hedgies are my followers.
on May 17, 2014
on May 17, 2014
you like... Ariana Grande? me too!
on May 15, 2014
on May 15, 2014
SC_Q.13 created a page
100 ways to bug...
on May 15, 2014
Nothing is impossible. The word itself says 'I'm possible!'
on May 15, 2014
on May 13, 2014
Lloyd Star – Google+ - Magic RP's first advertisement!
Magic RP's first advertisement!
on May 13, 2014
SC_Q.13 created a poll
Do you like Magic RP?
on May 13, 2014
SC_Q.13 asked a question
Can you go to Magic RP? It is a great site run by a real admin and even if he can't get...
on May 13, 2014 now has a real admin instead of me. it already looks more professional.
on May 13, 2014