Rawr2002 created a poll
would you rather? (63)
on May 02, 2016
Rawr2002 uploaded a photo
on May 02, 2016
I just changed my Qfeast username. My old username was Embrace_the_dark
Why I liked Embrace_the_dark it sounded you were like a queen I will always miss the username Embrace_the_Dark
on May 02, 2016
on May 02, 2016
Laka Yara Language (Yara Language)
Z Laka language ra nozlvu huka ra walakkavu balakhu gibakavu Laka Yara Language zmel hakavuzpn ragi gilak ko llak melakgi lahultavu. (A language I made up I hope you type it and speak it to people do not judge.)
on April 29, 2016
Rawr2002 created a poll
are you annoying?
on April 27, 2016
Rawr2002 subscribed to page
Parodies That You Made Up
on April 21, 2016
Rawr2002 created a poll
Life or death
on April 16, 2016
Rawr2002 created a poll
How is your self esteem?
on April 13, 2016
Rawr2002 created a poll
What mental illness is worse?
on April 13, 2016
Rawr2002 asked a question
How would you describe the world today in one sentence? What do you think of this world
on April 11, 2016
Yara Language
You have not heard of this language is because I created this language. You can text,talk in this language I know I will and some friends and maybe some family member
on April 06, 2016
Rawr2002 created a poll
Are you broken?
on April 02, 2016
Rawr2002 uploaded a photo
on April 01, 2016
Rawr2002 created a poll
Do you think being "popular" is important?
on April 01, 2016
on March 31, 2016
Rawr2002 created a poll
Would you rather? (53)
on March 31, 2016
Rawr2002 subscribed to page
Your Pets Page!
on March 31, 2016
Rawr2002 uploaded a photo
on March 31, 2016
Rawr2002 created a poll
Would you rather? (52)
on March 31, 2016