Hi! i'm so excited you're on Qfeast! I'm AnimePup.

Yep! I'd be happy to help! Actually, I'd be honored. :3
on September 27, 2014

Well anyway, @RainbowRocker any questions or anything about qfeast or just the whole social life of qfeast and stuff? You can just ask @AnimePup or me :3 or @JeweledOwl812 or @Ravenclaw3243 or @CrystalDiamond2323 and a bunch of others I'm forgetting to name
on September 27, 2014

Awesome! That's your first taste of QFeast! I usually get about 83 a day, but you'll get more. And you ever want to turn it off, go to settings the notification settings and turn it off! :D
on September 27, 2014

@RainbowRocker same here LOL!
on September 27, 2014

I'm getting rampaged by notifications. LIKE A BOSS
on September 27, 2014
on September 27, 2014

Hi! Welcome to qfeast! Thanks for the follow!

Ull fit in here perfectly! There r tons of rps like that! You can just go to discover, pages, and look one up! You'll find plenty. If u want, I have an active HP rp going on right now so u could join that easily!
on September 27, 2014

on September 27, 2014
on September 27, 2014

on September 27, 2014