upvote for blue and black downvote for white and gold comment for other

on February 28, 2015

on February 28, 2015
on February 28, 2015

what if you could summon fictional characters
on February 26, 2015

what if these posts are making me sad

on February 26, 2015

on February 26, 2015
on February 26, 2015

on February 26, 2015

Hi Ragdoll!
@Pikachukitty suggested you for drawing requests, so I have one for you!
Feel privileged that I'm asking this for you to make, as I RARELY ask for this request.
Please please please can you draw Sonackie (Sonic and my OC, Jackie)?
They're husband and wife, and just, absolute adore each other to bits!
@Pikachukitty suggested you for drawing requests, so I have one for you!
Feel privileged that I'm asking this for you to make, as I RARELY ask for this request.
Please please please can you draw Sonackie (Sonic and my OC, Jackie)?
They're husband and wife, and just, absolute adore each other to bits!
on February 25, 2015

on February 23, 2015

Ok guys I had alot of school work lately and I also caught up on homestuck and .... homestuckogod... '-' I'll get to drawing requests hopefully soon!
on February 20, 2015

http://www.qfeast.com/page/nAZcaD/Drawing-Contest-1 Next contest: Draw something out of a dream you had :P

Drawing Contest! (1)
Attention all Qfeast artists! I will be hosting drawing contests of different categories! Every Monday I will announce top 3 winners and the next prompt. I will post my own drawings but they will not be counted in the judging. Good luck, and may the best artist win!
on February 17, 2015

I feel really bad when I don't understand what a small child is trying to say
on February 16, 2015

when you don't enjoy holidays as much
on February 15, 2015