Queenofshadows's Polls - Page 2
Queenofshadows published 42 polls

I'm bringing one more oc back and that's it pick one...

I drew something is it cute?

Am I sneaky?

Is revenge overrated?
Who would win in a fight? (6)

Should I spam my bff?

Poll yet yey: should I leave qfest

Which one? (pick one please)

Tw should I be deleted? (Sorry I am just being my deppresstoin)

Breaking Benjamin, Godsmack, or Shinedown?

Ben vs. Jeff Who shall win?
So me and my friends are gonna do our Pfps in the same fandom which should we do? (@Fal...

Do you like Akame ga Kill?

Nightcore or Dubstep?

Should we fire masky for 100$ ?

Who's more annoying? Lol

Which is The better version of me?

Which Drawing is better? (4)

Which should I cut my hair to?