on November 30, 2017

on November 29, 2017

Queenofshadows subscribed to page

Type your name backwards (there will be a funny result)
on November 29, 2017

what abot this do I find funny hm lets see... the kill trump key most defiantly
what abot this do I find funny hm lets see... the kill trump key most defiantly

DONALD TRUMP BOSS FIGHT! - GD - Donald trump fight by ad3centplayer - harder
DONALD TRUMP BOSS FIGHT! - GD - Donald trump fight by ad3centplayer - harder https://everyplay.com/videos/36304878 Video recorded with Everyplay. Download Ge...
on November 28, 2017

night everyone its midnight fair warning i will be on bits and peices but not much anyway nighty night
on November 28, 2017

Queenofshadows asked a question

If you could eat at 1 restaurant for the rest of your life what would it be and why? Wo...
on November 28, 2017