Somebody : Im gonna kill myself
Me: whhy?
Somebody: cuz life sux and people would be amused at my death
Me: whhy?
Somebody: cuz life sux and people would be amused at my death

@Derpyderpjuice somebody is also my friend! And somebody is my mom and my dad!
on October 25, 2018
on October 25, 2018

Nyan?? Nyan Nyan!
(Hello?? HI I am Samantha!!)
Ny NYan Naynnn
( Is Anyone online? )
(Hello?? HI I am Samantha!!)
Ny NYan Naynnn
( Is Anyone online? )
on October 25, 2018

anyone online or anyone wanna rp

on October 26, 2018

Alright have a good night :D
Eggs Benedict: *goes to the vent opens it up and goes inside*
Samantha: * T.T* He was egged on
Eggs Benedict: I HEARD THAT!!
Eggs Benedict: *goes to the vent opens it up and goes inside*
Samantha: * T.T* He was egged on
Eggs Benedict: I HEARD THAT!!
on October 25, 2018
on October 25, 2018

anyone on?
on October 25, 2018

If I cry Hold me close
If I fight restrain me
If You hurt me you'll pay
If you anger me Ill forgive you
If I die will you avenge my death?
If I fight restrain me
If You hurt me you'll pay
If you anger me Ill forgive you
If I die will you avenge my death?
on October 25, 2018

Queenofshadows asked a question

just so everyone knows Im here for you if you wanna talk about your problems Guys I car...
on October 25, 2018

Keep me locked up in your broken mind
I keep searchin, never been able to find a
Light behind your dead eyes
Not anything at all
I keep searchin, never been able to find a
Light behind your dead eyes
Not anything at all
on October 25, 2018


on October 25, 2018

your not the only one who's done that >_< Angel and I are stressed together we are in foster care and have nowhere else to go Im in a group home and my sis is in a family foster place plus We are always bitches to each other for at least for ever!@Derpyderpjuice we wish we werent born right now and we are both insane call us mayhem and chaos! I've been gone for See More a while because I've been to two metal facilities and 2 hospitals one time The police had to get me. I am nearly 14 and I have been a mf for a long time probs almost my whole life
on October 25, 2018

on October 25, 2018

@Derpyderpjuice I will listen to you! I care a ton about you. You are a good friend! And I Am always here just talk to me maybe if you have somebody to talk to you'd feel better. Unlike you I have nobody now! Sice I've switched schools I havent had anyone! (except one person) You Are A good person!
on October 25, 2018
on October 25, 2018