@TwiliTwili : RP?
Black Crow (me): *Knife in hand, bored walking through town.* I wonder where she is...
Black Crow (me): *Knife in hand, bored walking through town.* I wonder where she is...
on January 12, 2016

I have to admit I thought no one watched SU... I'm not alone!!!!
on January 12, 2016

on January 12, 2016

on January 11, 2016

on January 11, 2016

First Name: Jordan
Last name: Rodriguez
Age: 14
Gender: Female
Godly Parent: Hades
Personality: kind, shy; when her friends are threatened, she will fight for them at any cost
Appearance: Brown, long hair; tan skin, black nail polish. Blood-red sneakers. See More
Personality: loves Hatsune Miku songs, and will fight for her friends to the death
Main weapon: long Sword
Side weapon: spear
Ability: can kill someone with one touch, if she wills it
Backstory: her family died in an accident when she was being brought home. A Minotaur killed everyone, including her step-sister, step-brother, and mother. She ran until she was found and brought to safety.
Extra: Her favorite colors are black and blood-red, her least favorite is hot pink.
Last name: Rodriguez
Age: 14
Gender: Female
Godly Parent: Hades
Personality: kind, shy; when her friends are threatened, she will fight for them at any cost
Appearance: Brown, long hair; tan skin, black nail polish. Blood-red sneakers. See More
Personality: loves Hatsune Miku songs, and will fight for her friends to the death
Main weapon: long Sword
Side weapon: spear
Ability: can kill someone with one touch, if she wills it
Backstory: her family died in an accident when she was being brought home. A Minotaur killed everyone, including her step-sister, step-brother, and mother. She ran until she was found and brought to safety.
Extra: Her favorite colors are black and blood-red, her least favorite is hot pink.
on January 09, 2016