PrismIsLynx46 added a story to the favorite list

Warriors Flames Burning, Tiger Rising book two
on February 19, 2017

*Almost dieing*
Me: I just saw my life flash before my eyes! I need to get a life!
Me: I just saw my life flash before my eyes! I need to get a life!

Yep! *cries internally*
on February 19, 2017

That sucks xD
on February 19, 2017

Oh gosh
on February 19, 2017
on February 19, 2017

created a

Are you an introvert extrovert or both?
on February 15, 2017

Most girls going to party: I need to get a dress and do my makeup I can't be dirty I have to look good!
Me: ima go jump in the compost then wear a shirt an some jeans!
Me: ima go jump in the compost then wear a shirt an some jeans!
on February 15, 2017

PrismIsLynx46 created a poll
What's the best name for a book about Mary sue's and how to not make one?
on February 13, 2017

PrismIsLynx46 asked a question
If you can live in one fandom which will it be? So you can bring one fandom universe to...
on February 12, 2017

PrismIsLynx46 added a story to the favorite list
Warriors Flames burning, The sight of a new way, book one
on February 11, 2017