on July 28, 2017

on July 28, 2017

I made this one: Alex is nockin on the door
Alexander smash em in
I made this one: Alex is nockin on the door
Alexander smash em in

Previous YIAY: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x3qz7iMYPQ8&t=2s&list=PLiWL8lZPZ2_k1JH6urJ_H7HzH9etwmn7M&index=1 Help me make fun of everything! http://bit.ly...
on July 27, 2017

on July 27, 2017

That moment when the beat drops
That moment when the beat drops

Silva Hound ft. Blackgryph0n - EGOMANIA (Original Mix)
Silva Hound here! This track, EGOMANIA, featuring Blackgryph0n, is the third single from my final pony album, "This Equestrian Moment", and had been in produ...

on July 27, 2017
on July 27, 2017

Daniel Ingram - Luna's Future (Spectra Remix)
Is this song even still relevant? Eh, I don't care, I'm just happy I got to put my own (hopefully) unique spin on this song. It's also been a while since I d...
on July 27, 2017

on July 27, 2017

i added “succ helium” to my bucket list
on July 27, 2017

the Hamilton fandom is giving me a heart attack
I hope ur thirst is quenched (Video creators: @alexanderdiduknow @ouranronpa on ig) shorter and probably unfunnier than the last one enjoy anyways
on July 27, 2017

angelica..........♪hello is it me your looking for♪ *leg flex* ♪i can see it in your♪.....uhh....♪eyes♪
on July 27, 2017

lel i remember the time i ate overdated skittles and barfed out rainbows...........“taste the rainbow, barf the rainbow”
on July 27, 2017