Phantasm uploaded a photo
on July 30, 2018
Phantasm uploaded a photo
on July 30, 2018
Phantasm uploaded a photo
on July 30, 2018
Phantasm uploaded a photo
on July 30, 2018
Phantasm uploaded a photo
on July 30, 2018
Phantasm uploaded a photo
on July 30, 2018
Phantasm uploaded a photo
on July 30, 2018
Phantasm uploaded a photo
on July 30, 2018
Phantasm added a photo to the starred list
on July 30, 2018
Phantasm uploaded a photo
on July 28, 2018
The egos as vines
Just a fun thing I wanted to do. Markiplier, Jacksepticeye and Natewantstobattle egos. None of the vines or characters belong to me.
on July 21, 2018
on July 21, 2018
Phantasm added a photo to the starred list
on July 21, 2018
Phantasm uploaded a photo
on July 20, 2018
*Finds cool ass theory*
Wonderland is the name of the other world. The opposite dimension. Mirror world. La la land. Or whatever other names you can think of. Every time we sleep, our bodies stay in a coma-like state, while our minds are transported to our Opposite Life, a person equal and opposite to you. Our minds stay with our Opposite Life until our Opposite Life falls asleep, and our minds are sent back to this dimension. Wonderland and Earth are connected through two things. See More The internet, and our minds. I also now have an explanation for two other phenomena that happen in our sleep and have to do with dreams. One, is when you have a really good dream, and in the middle of it, you wake up (sort of), so you have to finish the dream yourself. This is your Opposite life falling asleep in the middle of a daydream, and henceforth waking you up. Then when you go back to sleep you have a different dream, because your Opposite Life is doing something else, and not daydreaming this time. The other phenomenon is when you have a realistic nightmare, and you wake yourself up in the middle of it, then fall right back into the dream. This is something actually happening in the Opposite Life, and your Opposite Life is trying to imagine it isn't happening. But it is. And your Opposite Life can't fall asleep in the middle of, say, running from a giant crab. I know this has a lot of holes, but that is for somebody to help build on it. Please don't call me stupid, this is just a theory and I really like it because that makes the movie Alice in Wonderland make sense to me, it makes dreaming make sense, and it also makes me feel like all the dreams I have are real. Including the flying ones.=
Wonderland is the name of the other world. The opposite dimension. Mirror world. La la land. Or whatever other names you can think of. Every time we sleep, our bodies stay in a coma-like state, while our minds are transported to our Opposite Life, a person equal and opposite to you. Our minds stay with our Opposite Life until our Opposite Life falls asleep, and our minds are sent back to this dimension. Wonderland and Earth are connected through two things. See More The internet, and our minds. I also now have an explanation for two other phenomena that happen in our sleep and have to do with dreams. One, is when you have a really good dream, and in the middle of it, you wake up (sort of), so you have to finish the dream yourself. This is your Opposite life falling asleep in the middle of a daydream, and henceforth waking you up. Then when you go back to sleep you have a different dream, because your Opposite Life is doing something else, and not daydreaming this time. The other phenomenon is when you have a realistic nightmare, and you wake yourself up in the middle of it, then fall right back into the dream. This is something actually happening in the Opposite Life, and your Opposite Life is trying to imagine it isn't happening. But it is. And your Opposite Life can't fall asleep in the middle of, say, running from a giant crab. I know this has a lot of holes, but that is for somebody to help build on it. Please don't call me stupid, this is just a theory and I really like it because that makes the movie Alice in Wonderland make sense to me, it makes dreaming make sense, and it also makes me feel like all the dreams I have are real. Including the flying ones.=
on July 20, 2018
on July 20, 2018
on July 19, 2018