yes i got a new friend this is replacing the bitch that i used to call my friend
on October 27, 2020

would it be wrong to be with 2 people at once not saying that i am but like is it?

No not really or at least I don’t think so but I’m stupid and haven’t been in a relationship like that so I’m not really sure
on October 27, 2020
on October 27, 2020

ok im so bored man
on October 27, 2020

do yall have any more dares from me to do cuz bring it on man
on October 27, 2020

I love u all but mabey a few of u more others and those 2 r Wazzup and Emoshadowqueen i love the rest of as a friend though
on October 27, 2020

ok guys this was a dare and i must do it
on October 27, 2020

should i post my new nail design my grandma did to me
on October 27, 2020

the link to see my ugly face ? https://www.qfeast.com/page/Ot6ukL/the-freaking-dare

The freaking dare
U know yall r lucky my grandma just took me in cuz i wouldnt of been able to get this pic if it hadnt of been able too
on October 27, 2020

u guys r evil u know this

@Wazzup u gave me the fuucking dare man and every time i take a pic the filters make look younger than i am
on October 27, 2020
on October 27, 2020

ok who gave me the dare cuz ima make a private page for u guys to see my face
on October 27, 2020

y the fuuck did i come back to u guys spaming me?
on October 27, 2020

wait whtttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt ok ima just go with take the run away path
on October 26, 2020

ok man this is so false they can take this and shove it up their ass! i mean wht i never said that!
on October 26, 2020

brb guys ima crave me some pumpkins cuz u know wht i may be a teenager but i still want to be 5
on October 26, 2020