Peppermint_Kiss asked a question

should i call home my ear got tore today at school and i prob will need stitches its bl...
on May 10, 2023

i got blood going down my neck we gonna party with that sh*t ig i knew i shoulda stayed home
on May 10, 2023

bro my ear tore so now i got to get stiches to fix it
on May 10, 2023

on May 09, 2023

damn learning that school rots my brain now keep that in mind when i sleep in class its to keep my last brain cell alive
on May 09, 2023

no makeup or lashes today just lookin bummy as hell

on May 09, 2023

bro i hate school they started on me about my hood like stfu b*tch its to damn early for that sh*t
on May 09, 2023

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on May 07, 2023